中山管理評論  2012/3
第20卷第1期 我國產業個案專刊 p.289-308
Department of Information Management, National Sun Yat-sen University , e-Business / Infrastructure CHI LIN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
由於液晶面板的價格快速㆘降、網路普及和頻寬增加,數位看板在許多公 開場合越加普遍,除了播放相關㈾訊,也會穿插各種廣告和促銷㈾訊,成為新 型態的媒體。本個案描述奇菱科技投㈾數位看板的策略與執行。奇菱科技近年 來已成為國際知㈴的面板應用整合大廠,主要產品為工業應用之面板製造;數 位看板動輒數千台數位顯示器連線播放,屬於大型整合服務的商業模式,迥異 於硬體製造。奇菱科技在確定投㈾專案後,聘請外部經理㆟來主導數位看板新事業,整合顯示器硬體、播放軟體、網路建置維護、以及設立子公司負責播放 內容與廣告業務。本個案的教㈻目標是,以本個案的內容來討論「商業模式再 創新」的管理概念,以及新事業的組織設計等議題。
(634723303319843750.pdf 280KB)數位看板、廣告聯播、內部創業、商業模式
This study seeks to investigate an investment in digital signage by Chilin Technology Co. that has focused on the manufacture of traditional plastic materials processing for more than forty years. Chilin is a member of the Chi Mei group. In the last ten years, with continuing innovation and efforts to become an industry leader, Chilin has expanded its business scope to become one of the top ten in the optoelectronics industry. While company executives sought to develop the digital signage business, it has become a disruptive innovation because of the very different digital signage business model. The digital signage business operation has four elements: numerous displayers, control software, Internet installation and maintenance, and advertising business operations. In this instance, internal entrepreneurship has been performed following a plan. A new project manager, Charming Su, was recruited in 2006 to take charge of the new project startup. While Su strived for more business opportunities, he also integrated the three outsourced elements -- controlled software, engineering teams of Internet installation and advertising business associates. A first successful installation and operation of the digital signage provided Su and his teams with precious domain knowledge. They also earned the reputation that they are capable and qualified to construct big-scale digital signage with thousands of networked displayers. The major teaching themes of this case are two-fold. The first is to investigate the considerations, plans and execution of an internal entrepreneurship plan for companies like Chilin that have revenues of over thirty billion NT dollars. The management concept of “reinventing the business model” is applied for its interpretation. The second is the decision on the organizational structure when a company decides to develop an innovation to nurture the business for growth and success.
(634723303319843750.pdf 280KB)Digital signage, advertising network, internal entrepreneurship, business model
在行銷資訊爆炸的時代,各種型態的媒體莫不隨時播放各種品牌和產品的資訊,並且以更精確的分眾行銷,攫取消費者的注意力,強化品牌的形象和影響力。數位看板在許多公開場合越加普遍,例如:機場或車站廣設數位看板播放行車資訊;許多的大賣場也紛紛以數位看板播放產品促銷資訊,以刺激顧客消費。 數位看板的興起主要有三大原因:第一是面板產業的積極成長,讓大尺寸面板價格合理化並快速普及;第二是媒體內容形式的日新月異,透過3D動畫、Full HD高畫質等影音技術,讓廣告內容變得更多元、更有趣;第三則是網路的普及和頻寬增加,提升數位看板傳送內容的方便性、即時性,使得數位看板的應用逐漸成熟,並成為電視、廣播、平面、網路之外的第五大媒體。 台灣為液晶面板製造大國,然而隨著韓國、日本、中國不斷投入研發並投資新廠,產業競爭日益激烈,因此價格快速下降。奇菱科技固守製造本業,同時投資新事業,企業文化強調尊重專業經理人、及創新研發的原則。也因此從早期塑膠原料製造,轉進工業液晶顯示器,並開拓高規格和以精密品質要求的醫療器材的市場。 本個案探討奇菱科技投資數位看板的建置過程,結合LCD硬體、聯播軟體、網路佈建工程與媒體廣告四大元素,成為一個服務整合的新事業。數位看板設置於特定場所,結合廣告則可作分眾行銷。數位看板的投資策略,可為LCD產品創造一個新的商業用途。由於奇菱科技的核心能力是研發與製造,於是聘用外部經理人,並結合多項外部資源,創造一個新的系統整合服務的新事業;可以配合Johnson et al. (2008) 提出的「商業模式再創新」來討論。本個案主要提供三大討論主題:(1)內部創業、(2)數位看板與製造業的產業差異、(3)新事業的發展策略與組織設計。