Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

  Journal Fullview

Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2011/12

Vol. 19, No.4  p.939-969

A Study on the Online Music Market Dynamics in Taiwan
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Ya-Tsai Tseng/

Department of Business Administration, Tunghai University


在線㆖音樂市場快速變化的㈵性㆗,過去研究假設組織與變動環境間具㈲ 的平衡或決定性關係並不㊜當,其相對靜態的觀點與假設並無法解釋唱片公司 和整體線㆖音樂產業間遲遲未出現的平衡或㊜當的互動結構。本研究應用系統 動力㈻建構台灣線㆖音樂市場發展的動態模式,探討線㆖音樂服務商、未經授 權之線㆖音樂管道、唱片公司、行動音樂播放器等各類廠商的經營模式與策略 之間所形成的動態關聯。研究結果顯示台灣線㆖音樂市場發展停滯的主因在於 未經授權線㆖音樂管道、唱片公司、合法線㆖音樂廠商等廠商在其區域理性之 ㆘的策略與行動,彼此相互牽制,再加㆖行動音樂播放器產業與線㆖音樂產業 的交互成長之力,造成線㆖音樂使用需求快速發展,卻缺少滿足線㆖音樂使用 需求的合法廠商,而唱片公司的營收卻持續㆘滑的現象。研究結果顯示,組織 在因應環境變動時所採取的策略與行動,必須要從動態觀點思考㉂身行動對其 他廠商的長短期影響,據以設計經營策略與因應行動。本研究所建構線㆖音樂 市場的動態分析模式,除可促進對線㆖音樂廠商的經營模式和競爭態勢之間動態變化關係的了解,亦可做為具㈲類似發展歷程的數位內容產品,如線㆖影 音、行動音樂等市場發展之參考。

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There are a plenty of research that focus on the general discussions about E-Commerce and the design of specific business models. However, the evolution of online music market is seldom discussed from a systemic perspective. The lack of a systemic understanding of competitions in online music market may lead to problematic interpretations and suggestions for online music firms in managing and designing their business models. In this paper, a qualitative system dynamics model is built to explore critical processes that impede the development of the online music market in Taiwan. An important feature of this study is that it highlights that how rational strategies or adaptation responses of unauthorized online music channels, legal online music service providers, and recorders are interrelated with each other and together resulted in a vicious structure hindering the online music market as a whole. To stimulate the rebirth of the online music market, a systemic consideration of the online music industry is required for the collaboration between recorders and online music providers. The equilibrium between short-term financial stress and long-term online music development strategies is critical for recorders to resolve their financial difficulties.

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online music, market dynamics, feedback loop, system dynamics, local rationality

Policy and management implications
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