Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

  Journal Fullview

Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2011/9

Vol. 19, No.3  p.517-555

Marketing Effectiveness on Travel Blogs: the Perspective from Elaboration Likelihood Model
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Jih-Hsin Tang、Yao-Jen Yeh/

Department of Information Management, National Taipei College of Business , Graduate Institute of Business Administration, National Taipei College of Business


近年來部落格的影響力越來越大,在商業㆖的應用㈰益廣泛,但對於部落 格行銷的效果瞭解卻相當㈲限。本研究從推敲可能性模式(ELM)的觀點,探討 部落格的行銷效果。我們設計㆒個虛構的旅遊部落格,採用線㆖實驗法,操弄 兩個獨立變數:論點品質(㆗央路徑)與㈴㆟或素㆟㈹言(周邊路徑),測試 468 個受測者的旅遊意圖,其㆗使用者涉入程度作為干擾變㊠。實驗結果和 ELM 預測㈲所出入,相同的是:在高涉入的情況㆘,強論點品質比弱論點品質㈲效, 產生較高的旅遊意願;在低涉入的情況㆘,㈴㆟㈹言㈲更高的旅遊意圖。相反 的是:對高涉入受測者而言,㈴㆟㈹言似乎比較㈲效;對低涉入受測者而言, 旅遊部落格的論點品質,仍是影響潛在顧客之旅遊意圖的主要因素。

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In recent years, blog has attracted a lot of attention from both practitioners and academics. Surprisingly, few studies have been devoted to the marketing effectiveness of blogging on the net-surfers. The study attempts to get a better understanding of how persuasive the messages on a blog may affect the net-surfers. We examined ELM model with a type of blog – travel blogs – by designing an online experiment; argument quality (central routes) and celebrity vs. non-celebrity endorsers (peripheral routes) were manipulated to test 468 subjects’ (grouped by Personal Involvement Inventory) intentions of traveling. Experiment results partially confirmed ELM model. For the highly involved subjects, the strength of arguments (central routes) is a key factor affecting a potential customer’s travel intention; yet for the low involved subjects, the celebrity-endorsed blog is more persuasive than the non-celebrity endorsed one (peripheral routes). Contrary to ELM predicted results, for the low involved subjects, the strength of arguments on a travel blog is still a dominant factor of a potential customer’s travel intention; for the highly involved subjects, the celebrity-endorsed blog is not worse than the non-celebrity endorsed blog. Discussions and implications were also provided.

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ELM, word-of-mouth marketing, central routes, peripheral routes

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

近年來部落格的影響力與日遽增,商業界和學術界也開始注意部落格的現象。不過令人訝異的是,儘管部落格在商業上的應用日益廣泛,對於部落格的口碑行銷效果的瞭解卻相當有限。 本研究試圖以推敲可能性模式(ELM)的觀點探討部落格上的訊息,如何影響網路使用者,進而說服使用者成為客戶,或推薦給其他使用者。本研究設計了一個虛擬的旅遊部落格,採用線上實驗法,驗證ELM的觀點。實驗操弄兩個獨立變數:論點品質(中央路徑)與名人代言(周邊路徑),測試468個受測者的旅遊意圖,其中以使用者涉入程度作為干擾變項。本實驗結果和ELM預測有所出入,和ELM預測相同的是:在高涉入的情況下,強論點品質比弱論點品質有效(中央路徑),產生較高的旅遊意願;在低涉入的情況下,名人代言的情況 (比素人代言) 似乎有更高的旅遊意圖(周邊路徑)。但和ELM預測相反的是:對高涉入受測者而言,名人代言(比素人)似乎還是產生更高的旅遊意願;對低涉入受測者而言,旅遊部落格的論點品質,仍是影響潛在顧客之旅遊意圖的主要因素。本研究對旅遊業者的建議如下: (一)旅遊部落格論點品質以強論點為主 不管部落客涉入程度高或低,強論點品質的內容影響力都高於弱論點品質,顯示強論點品質的重要性;換言之,對於經營者而言,部落格行銷上應該專注於部落格本身的論點品質,描述其旅遊經驗,以圖文並茂的方式讓消費者了解旅遊地點,進而引發其興趣。旅遊部落格成本低廉,鮮少有播放時間的限制,因此從行銷效果與成本的考量,部落格行銷是值得許多企業嘗試的方法。 (二)名人代言未必有較好的行銷效果 部落格已經是眾所皆知的網路工具,會去搜尋旅遊資料的網友也是以高涉入程度者居多。從本研究結果得知,高涉入程度的部落客對名人代言,並沒有較高的旅遊意願,所以在面對高涉入的顧客族群,經營者是否採用名人代言其旅遊商品,更要審慎評估其價值。
