Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2011/6
Vol. 19, No.2 p.279-304
Department of Finance, Shih Hsin University , Department of Finance, Shih Hsin University
本文提出㆒個與物價指數連動且具㈲信用風險的票券,並應用 Cathcart & El-Jahel (1998) 模型㆗的顯著變數法 (Signaling Variable Method),在 HJM 模 型㆘,推導該票券合理價格、避險參數和信用價差的封閉解。相較於傳統的抗 通膨票券和信用風險模型,本模型具㈲以㆘之㈵色。第㆒,在 Cathcart & El-Jahel (1998) 模型㆗,顯著變數 (signaling variable) 與利率之間是彼此獨立 (independent) ,而本模型放寬此假設,讓顯著變數與利率彼此相依 (dependent),使模型更切實際。第㆓,本模型結合信用風險 (credit risk) 和通膨風險 (inflation risk),在物價持續㆖揚之際,更能確保投㈾㆟期末的實質收 益。第㆔,㆒般而言,當標的㈾產的波動度㆖升,票券的價格會隨之提高,但 是本模型,同時存在通膨風險和信用風險,當㈾產的波動度和物價的波動度越 大時,因信用風險溢酬和通膨風險溢酬隨之提高,致使票券之合理價格㆘降。 第㆕,當物價指數的動態過程為隨機過程 (stochastic process) 時,本模型的標 的㈾產如同浮動面額債券,因此本文之訂價方式,可應用於浮動面額債券之評 價。
(634491985712187500.pdf 120KB)通膨風險、信用風險、HJM模型、信用價差、避險
This article expands the work by Cathcart & El-Jahel (1998) to present a new design of inflation-linked defaultable notes. We derive a closed-form solution to the fair price, delta hedge and credit spread under the HJM model. These notes differ from traditional inflation-protected notes and defaultable models for several reasons. First, this model relaxes the assumption of independence of signaling variables and interest rates in the signaling variable approach presented by Cathcart & El-Jahel (1998). This relaxation can actually meet a real world. Second, the model incorporates credit risk and inflation risk, and it can prevent investors’ real payoffs at maturity from inflation. Third, in general, the fair price of defaultable notes is higher as volatility of underlying assets increases. Conversely, the fair price in our model is lower when the volatility arises on account of higher credit risk premium and inflation risk premium. Fourth, the pricing procedure of this model can be applied to the valuation of floating-rate bonds.
(634491985712187500.pdf 120KB)Inflation risk, Credit risk, HJM model, Credit spread, Hedging
當金融海嘯在全世界吹起,金融機構相繼倒閉,從美林證券、雷曼兄弟,一直到法國巴黎銀行,英國倫敦銀行,乃至台灣的慶豐銀行被接管,全球金融壟罩在一股低氣壓中。然而為解救這場金融災害,在世界各國不斷實施寬鬆貨幣政策之際,令投資人擔心的是信用風險和通貨膨漲的壓力。因此,本文應用Cathcart & El-Jahel (1998) 模型中的顯著變數法 (signaling variable),在顯著變數與利率存在相關性,且利率為隨機的情形下,提出一個同時具通膨風險和信用風險的票券,以保障投資人的期末實質收益。 相較於傳統的抗通膨票券和信用風險模型,本模型具有以下之特色。第一,在Cathcart & El-Jahel (1998) 模型中,顯著變數與利率之間是彼此獨立,而本模型放寬此假設,讓顯著變數與利率彼此依賴,使模型更切實際。第二,該模型結合信用風險和通膨風險,在物價持續上揚之際,更能確保投資人期末的實質收益。第三,一般而言,當標的資產波動度越大時,票券的合理價格應該會越高。但是本模型同時存在通膨風險和信用風險,在標的資產波動度提升時,信用風險溢酬與通膨風險溢酬亦隨之提升,使得票券的合理價格反而下降,價格更低廉。第四,當物價指數的動態過程服從隨機過程 (stochastic process) 時,本模型的標的資產有如浮動面額債券,因此本文之訂價方式,能應用於浮動面額債券之評價。