Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2011/3

Vol. 19, No.1 我國產業個案專刊  p.63-86

Business Model Change of an Information Service Provider-The Case of Prolink Solutions Corporation
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Shu-Chen Yang, Kai Wang, Jessica H. F. Chen, Guan-Lin Chen/

Department of Information Management, National University of Kaohsiung, Department of Information Management, National University of Kaohsiung, Department of Information Management, National Chi-Nan University, Department of Information Management, Nation


面臨產業生態的巨大轉變,博連資訊內部有兩股不同意見,研發的 Glendy 認為必 須及早跨足開發新系統,而與客戶長期接觸及了解公司成本結構的 Marisa 則是擔心, 開發新系統,將會帶來極大的財務負擔。到了公司的例行會議上,Glendy 提出進軍中國 的想法,認為是解決財務負擔的重要手段,但又擔心核心技術外流與未可知的風險。經 過深思後,再加上其他資訊服務業者紛紛以中國市場為目標,博連資訊決定西進,並積 極轉型為物流平台服務提供者。本個案分為兩個部分,首先透過幾位重要人物的對話, 讓讀者了解博連如何思考是否該進軍中國市場以及資訊服務產業的轉變,並了解個案公 司的背景情況;接下來再說明進軍中國的契機與挑戰、營運模式轉型的考量及未來發展 方向,讓讀者了解「如何解決問題」以及「未來發展與機會」。此外,本個案從制度理 論、資源相依理論、策略性委外、固定與變動成本等觀點來分析博連策略及營運模式變 革的意涵。

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Facing a great change in industrial ecology, two diverse opinions inside Prolink Solutions Co., Ltd. (hereafter abbreviated as Prolink) emerged. Glendy from the R&D department advocated the importance of developing a new system; while Marisa, who has been in touch with customers over a long period of time and understands the cost structure of the company, was concerned with the enormous financial burden brought from developing new systems. Glendy proposed the idea of entering the China market in a regular meeting, and believed it as an important means of solving financial burden, but concerned about core technology drain and unknown risk in the China market. After a good deal of contemplation and referring to other information service providers targeting at the China market, Prolink made the decision to plunge into China and actively transformed itself into a logistics service platform provider. From the dialogues among several key persons, this case exposes readers to the background of the case company, as well as the issues involved in entering the China market, and transformation of the information service industry. In addition, it also demonstrates the critical timing and challenge of entering China, the transformation of business model and the direction of future development so that readers can understand how to solve problems and future development and opportunities. Furthermore, this case also analyzes the business model change from the perspectives of institutional theory, resource dependence theory, strategic outsourcing, and fixed and variable costs.

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Information service provider, Institutional theory, Resource dependence theory, Strategic outsourcing, Business model change

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

對許多企業而言,進軍中國大陸市場乃是解決企業成本的重要手段,甚至可以藉此提升研發能量與實力,並藉由其廣大市場來提昇企業的業績與競爭力。然而,面對競爭越來越激烈的競爭市場,光是降低成本與提高研發能力是不夠的,唯有徹底改變企業的營運模式 (Business Model),才能夠透過差異化擺脫競爭對手,進而獲得客戶的青睞而永續經營。對台灣的資訊服務業更是如此,由於技術與市場環境的快速變化,使得個案中的主角-博連資訊必須思考是否需要藉由進軍中國大陸來解決其研發上的問題。本個案藉由制度理論、資源相依理論及策略性委外觀點加以分析台灣資訊服務業者拓展海外市場的動機、優劣勢及可能的發展,除了讓修課學生思考業者在進行實際決策時需要的考量面向與利弊得失之外,更能作為其他企業制定其跨國市場經營及業務委外時的重要參考。此外,企業不能自滿於現有的營運方式與服務,必須隨時觀察市場的走向而改變營運模式,才是生存之道,博連資訊為這樣的思考與積極作為做了最好的詮釋。在經濟部的經費補助下,博連資訊建立了物流運籌虛擬整合平台,也帶來博連營運模式轉型的契機。藉此平台,博連資訊為國內物流運籌業者提供更多資訊流與物流的加值服務,進而提昇中小規模物流運籌業者的競爭力,此外也改變了收費模式,讓博連從軟體公司轉變成為網路公司。本個案藉由固定與變動成本的觀點,分析博連進行營運模式變革的動機以及為客戶所帶來的好處,並帶出軟體公司創造競爭優勢的重要關鍵因素,能夠讓修課學生了解如何解決問題與創造競爭優勢。而個案中提及博連資訊新營運模式-提供資訊平台服務的優缺點、可能面臨的問題與未來發展,亦可以激發企業進行組織改造與變革時的各種思考。最後,本個案的分析結果可作為政府制定產業政策的參考,特別是台灣的資訊服務業面對國內市場需求不足與國際大型業者的威脅,必須藉由國外市場的經營與轉型才能突破困境,政府亦扮演極為關鍵的協助角色。
