Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

  Journal Fullview

Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2010/6

Vol. 18, No.2  p.407-445

Audit Quality and Restated Financial Statements
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Yi-Mien Lin、Hui-Ming Lu、Chi-Chun Lu/

Department of Accounting, National Chung Hsing University , Deloitte & Touche , Ernst & Young


近幾年來,層出不窮的會計舞弊事件嚴重打擊投㈾大眾對會計師之信心, 據統計顯示,也愈來愈多㈶務報表因不符合㆒般公認會計原則被要求重編,投 ㈾大眾在市場㆖的損失也㈲趨高的比例與㈶務報表重編㈲關。本文主要探討會 計師審計品質與㈶務報表重編發生之關係,並以民國 91 年㉃ 95 年發生㈶務報 表重編的台灣㆖市㆖櫃公司為研究對象,探討會計師審計品質與㈶務報表重編 之關聯性。本研究以非審計公費重大性、事務所規模、產業專精與查核年㈾為 會計師審計品質㈹理變數。研究結果發現,非審計公費若不具重大性、會計師 事務所為產業專精者或查核年㈾越長,將可減少㈶務報表重編發生之可能性; 事務所規模則受限於我國審計市場㈵性,無法在實證㆖獲得完全支持。實證結 果也顯示,針對向㆘調整淨利之重編,僅產業專精與查核年㈾可降低重編發生 可能性。此外,在查核過程與核閱過程㆘,會計師審計品質對㈶務報表重編㈲ 不同之影響效果。

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In recent years, due to the increase in the number and size of financial restatements, government regulators have expressed great concern over restatements to correct non-GAAP financial statements. The restatements induce that investors lose confidence in the accountants because the misreports cause countless losses of investors. This study examines restatements in the period 2002-2006, together with matched control group of firms of similar time, industry, and firm size. We use a logit model to test whether the likelihood of a restatement is related to the audit quality (using nonaudit fee, auditor size, auditor industry specialization, and auditor tenure as proxies). We find that nonaudit fee exhibits a significant positively association with the occurrence of restatement. We also find auditor industry specialization and auditor tenure have a significant negatively association with the occurrence of restatement. We cannot fully document a significant negatively association between auditor size and restatement. Besides, we investigate restatements which decreasing previous income, and find that only auditor industry specialization and auditor tenure have a significant negatively association with restatement. We also consider a sample of financial statements audited and financial statements reviewed. Our results indicate that audit quality have different influence on financial statements audited or those reviewed.

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Restatement, Nonaudit fee, Auditor size, Auditor industry specialization, Auditor tenure

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

近幾年有越來越多的財務報表因為不符合一般公認會計原則而被要求重編,投資大眾在市場上之損失也有越來越高的比例是來自財務報表的重編。近期關於重編導致重大損失的著名例子,莫過於聯電重編案。聯電於民國94年12月14日重編2002年至2004年美國財務報表,其中2004年淨損增加了將近一百億台幣。此舉重編宣告馬上引起了聯電股價重挫6.42%。尤其因為重編美國財報的訊息未於當天開盤前公告說明,所以更引起主管機關與投資大眾對內線交易的聯想。雖然此案例爭論的重點在於是否影響台灣財務報表,以及是否牽涉內線交易的問題,但可看出市場對於財務報表重編事件的重視與敏感。也由於財務報表重編背後牽涉到的獲利機會與金額甚大,因此也不難令人對編製財務報表相關人員有所質疑。 而近幾年來層出不窮的企業操作財務報導的醜聞,使得政府和投資大眾更加重視會影響查核會計師之獨立性的情況,如已列入注意事項的非審計公費便是其中之一,此因非審計公費越高將傷害會計師之獨立性。我國證期會也開始有強制揭露重大非審計公費資訊之規定。今年初發生之力霸集團資產掏空案亦導致會計師被收押的事件發生。因此,財務報表的重編,也可能肇因於會計師的審計品質。為了充分瞭解會計師審計品質是否對財務報表重編有實質影響,研究兩者間的關聯性乃為重要之課題。本文除了探討會計師審計品質與財務報表發生重編之間的關聯性外,也期望能提供主管機關與投資大眾作為政策制定的參考,俾避免再發生財務報表重編相關之重大損失。另外,也希望能給會計師業界做為決策時的考慮要素,以減少因為財務報表重編所必須承擔的可能損失與懲戒。
