中山管理評論  2008/6
第16卷第2期 p.247-278
School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou, China) , Research center for human resource and strategy development, South China Agricultural University
本文通過對1988 年至2007 年大陸家族企業研究狀況的回顧與評述,總結 指出大陸家族企業研究二十年來的經驗得失,並在最後展望大陸家族企業研究 的未來發展。本文首先從期刊論文、全國優秀博士碩士論文、著作出版、研究 機構創建以及國家基金資助等方面對大陸家族企業研究二十年來的總體發展 情況進行全景式透視。然後以中國期刊網核心期刊上以家族企業為關鍵字收錄 的1824 篇論文作為研究文獻,分別按研究主題和研究方法進行綜述與評論。 最後根據文獻回顧的結果指出大陸家族企業研究存在的缺陷,即選題的功利主 義導向及定量的實證研究太少,最後指出大陸家族企業研究未來需要解決的主 要問題。中國大陸家族企業研究之回顧與展望:1988-2007
(633525793875625000.pdf 56KB)家族企業、治理結構、華人企業
This paper conducted a critical literature review of the family business research in the mainland China from 1988 to 2007, discussing the achievements and shortcomings over the past two decades and pointing out the futural research trend. We first made a panoramic analysis of the overall development of the family business research in the mainland China through scanning journal articles、excellent dissertations, published books, research institutions and national grants. Then this study reviewed the topics and research methods of the 1824 articles which we got with the key word “family business" by searching the top tiers in the CNKI data base. Based on the critical review, the authors maintained that most of the topics are utilitarianism-orientated, and there lack of empirical study. Finally, they proposed constructive suggestions on the futural development of the family business research.
(633525793875625000.pdf 56KB)family business, governance structure, Chinese enterprise