Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  1995/3
Vol. 3, No.1 p.108-125
Graduate School of Business Administration National Cheng-Kung University
電信民營化與自由化已是必然之趨勢,而電信局民營化之後,必須有一套合理之競爭策略,才能在未來競爭激烈的電信市場中取得競爭優勢。需求預測就是其中一個重要的關鍵。這是本研究動機之所在。本研究期能達到下列之目的:1. 針對我國電信的發展趨勢,探討行動電話此項電信業務的需求特性。2. 由需求特性的探究,建立迴歸預測的實證分析,以預估行動電話未來一至五年的需求量。 本研究結果預估行動電話未來五年每年需求量約為15~20萬戶,且成長甚為迅速,同時,本研究亦發現:行動電話與企業登記家數的二次方的關連最高,可見行動電話的使用者仍以企業人士居多。另外行動電話的月租費也與用戶數的成長有關。
(633621991335156250.pdf 30KB)行動電話、需求預測、迴歸分析
In order for the telecommunication market to gain the competitive edge,one has to develope a reasonable strategy of management. Nevertheless, a precise and accurate demand forecasting is the key requirement for such a competitive edge。The scope of this research concentrate on the demand forecasting of Taiwan’s mobile phones. By using the regression analysis,this research obtain a forecasting model to predict the demand of mobile phones in the future five years.
(633621991335156250.pdf 30KB)Mobile Phone,Demand Forecasting,Regression Analysis.