Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  1995/6
Vol. 3, No.2 p.24-40
Chung-hua Institution for Economic Research, Institute of International Business National Chi-Nan Univeristy
本文探討「促進產業升級條例」中,有關研究發展之投資抵減獎勵對廠商的研究發展支出、研究績效以及經濟效益的影響。實證設計係根據廠商問卷調查資料,透過線性結構關係模式 (LISREL) 來檢視政府獎勵措施的成效。實證結果顯示:政府的抵減獎勵對業者之研究發展支出有顯著的誘發效果,同時,廠商的研究發展努力對其研究績效 (新產品及新技術產出) 以及經濟效益 (含產品附加價值及投資報酬率) 也有顯著的正向影響。上述結果反映出,在不考慮政府稅收損失的前提下,政府提供抵減獎勵,並發揮誘導產業界加強研究發展活動時,必然有助於廠商開發新產品、新技術以及產品附加價值的提高,進而達到促進產業升級的目標。
(76_03022_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))研究發展、投資抵減、線性結構關係模式、促進產業升級、促進產業升級條例
The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of government investment tax credits on firms’ research and development (R&D) activities and research efficiency as well as to assess their overall economic benefits. This paper conducts a survey of Taiwanese manufacturing industries to investigate the effects of R&D tax credits. Our analysis, using the Linear Structural Relation model (LISREL), suggests that government investment tax credits generate a positive impact on firms’ R&D expenditure. Furthermore, we also find that there exists a positive linkage between firms’ R&D expenditure and their products’ value-added.
(76_03022_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))R&D, R&D Tax Credits, LISREL, Statute for Industrial Upgrading and Promotion