中山管理評論  1995/12
第3卷第4期 p.1-23
Department of Finance National Central University
本研究以金融聯合徵信中心企業財務資料檔中的授信企業為研究對象,研究期間長達七年。文中所探討之信用風險評估問題,至少獲致下述四點研究上的突破: 1. 利用國內最大之財務資料庫,擬定而成二十二種財務比率的六個績效等級範圍,對銀行授信規範或準則之頒布提供相當有助益的客觀標準。 2. 根據因素分析結果,給予各財務比率客觀、科學的權數,以反映其對信用風險高低的影響力。 3. 有系統地驗證財務比率之分配型態,並對非常態分配之財務比率,尋求一合理可行的績效評估方法。 4. 建構而成之信用風險評估模式,除可用以區分呆帳、催收、逾期與正常授信客戶,其績效評分更可用來反映授信客戶與總體指標、產業環境及企業屬性之關係,為一兼顧授信政策與策略評估的計量模型。
This is a five years long study on the credit firms drawn out from the business financial data files of the Joint Credit Inquiry Center of the Finance Industry. Models have been constructed in this study through factor analysis for forecasting and evaluating the credit risks from the various kinds of credit clients. Empirical results show that in terms of accuracy and discriminating capabilities, evaluating models of credit risk are significantly superior to the conventionally used methods.
(74_03041_Abs.pdf(檔案不存在))Credit Risk、Factor Analysis、Corporate Loan、Bank Management、Credit Rating.