中山管理評論  1997/9
第5卷第3期 p.603-638
National Sun Yat-sen Uniiversity
本文以或有權利分析法(Contingent Claims Analysis, CCA)評價不同發行 條件下之可轉換公司債,並對台灣可轉換公司債之市場價格進行實證研究。 理論價值的計算是採用Merton (1974)所導出的偏微分方程式(Partial Differential Equation),以有限差分法(Finite Difference Method)在不同的邊界條件限制下所求出,並與市場價格相比較,探討可能之差異原因。研究期間自七十九年十月一日至八十一年二月廿七日,研究對象為國內己上市之八種可轉換公司債。實證結果如下: l.以敏感性分析測試的結果. CCA 法所計算出的可轉換公司債價值與現有之財務理論及觀念並不違背。 2. 根據統計檢定的結果,理論價值與實際價值有顯著的差異。
(633513731779687500.pdf 32KB)可轉換公司債、或有權利分析法、有限差分法
This research applies Contingent claims Analysis to the valuation of convertible bonds issued in Taiwan. Theoretical value of convertible bond is calculated by the partial differential equation derived by Merton (1974) and finite difference method with different boundary conditions, then it is compared with market value. The main empirical result can be summarized as follows: 1. By the sensitivity analysis, the theoretical value of the convertible bonds does not violate recent financial theory. 2. Based on statistical result, there is a significant difference between theoretical value and market value.
(633513731779687500.pdf 32KB)Convertible bonds, contingent claim analysis, partial differential equation