中山管理評論  1997/12
第5卷第4期 p.797-824
Wu Fang Junior College of Tech. & Comm.、Graduate Institute of lnformation Management
本研究依組織特性、管理策略、資訊應用特性、EUC管理單位及使用者特性等構面,針對國內600大製造業與400大服務業以郵寄問卷方式進行實證研究,探討影響EUC續效的因素。 回收的有效問卷包括70份資訊主管問卷以及138份EUC使用者問卷,研究結果發現,EUC已是國內企業相當普遍且全面性的現象,但僅有15.9%的公司設有EUC專責管理單位。而EUC績效可抽取三個因素,分別為「EUC滿意度」、「工作效率與效能」以及「使用者自主性」國內企業對於EUC之管理策略,則普遍採取「保守放任型」與「整合漸近型」兩種。關於影響EUC績效的因素,主要的研究發現如下: (1 )組織特性:組織特性因素中,高階主管的支持度與EUC績效有顯著的正相關. EUC預算佔公司營業額的比率與EUC滿意度亦呈顯著正相關。 (2) 管理策略:「整合漸進型」的管理策略在EUC績效的表現顯著比「保守放任型」佳,其中以「EUC滿意度」的差異最為顯著。 (3) EUC管理單位:是否成立EUC管理單位對EUC績效有顯著的影響,提供的支援服務對於EUC績效亦扮演著舉足輕重的角色,支援服務程度愈高的企業,其EUC績效愈好。 (4) 資訊應用特性:以個人電腦發展資訊應用的滿意度比中大型主機高,以視窗類型作業系統為主的企業,其使用者自主性顯著比以DOS作業系統為主者高。 (5) 使用者特性:使用者訓練、電腦能力、電腦性向及對資訊系統的態度均與EUC績效呈現正相關。 本研究進行迴歸分析,以衡量各因素對於EUC績效的相對解釋能力,結果顯示高階主管支持度、管理單位之資料支援程度.、使用者對電腦資訊系統的態度以及平均每天使用或發展資訊應用的時數等因素,對於EUC績效的解釋程度均達顯著水準。
(633513701912187500.pdf 63KB)終端使用者電腦應用、終端使用者、資訊中心
The recently advancement of information technology has stimulated the rapid development of End-User Computing (EUC) applications. This study examines the factors affecting the EUC performance. We addressed the EUC performance by looking into 5 different dimensions: organizational characteristics, managerial strategies, characteristics of information systems, EUC management unit and characteristics of end user. The EUC performance is measured in terms of EUC satisfaction, work efficiency & effectiveness and user autonomy. We also examine the profiles of EUC application in Taiwan. The results of a mail survey indicate that (I) In general, MIS managers and end users both have positive attitude toward EUC, but most companies have yet developed EUC plan. Moreover, only 15.9% companies had an official organization unit for EUC support (usually called Information Centers). (2).Top manager's supports have significant impact on the EUC performance. EUC budget also positively correlated with the EUC satisfaction. (3) Progressive strategies result in significantly better EUC performance than conservative strategies do. (4) Information Center has significant impact on EUC performance. The more EUC supports ICs offered, the better EUC performance the companies had. (5) Users have a better EUC satisfaction in using PC applications than using mainframe applications. Window based applications result in better user autonomy than DOS based applications. (6) Training, computer competence, computer attitude, and anxiety all positively correlated with EUC performance. A regression analysis is also conducted to measure the relative weights of factors in explaining the EUC performance. The results show that top top manager's support, information center, computer attitude and daily work hours have significant impact on this regard.
(633513701912187500.pdf 63KB)End-User Computing、End-User、Information Center