Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  1998/3
Vol. 6, No.1 p.195-210
National Chengchi University
進行ISO 14001 認證'系統化地執行環境管理可以使企業不斷地改善環境績效、降低環保抗爭或罰款的風險、降低污染以及能源使用量、從而降低產品成本,提昇競爭力。本研究分別從全面晶質管理理論,國內外廠商實施ISO 9000 之經驗,環境管理理論,及國外實施環境管理之經驗著手建立研究架構。我們整理ISO 14001 過程中共通以及廠商推行必要的活動,依規畫階段、執行階段、稽核階段、與回饋階段整理出19 個步驟,以這19個步驟訪問了5家廠商了解其在實務上的經驗。結果發現廠商在推行的ISO 14001之前獲得ISO 9000 認證、以往的環境管理經驗、高階主管支持、以及確認推行ISO 14001 動機都相當重要。另從研究發現部份廠商己經著手進行的ISO 9000與ISO 14001 的整合工作,的。ISO 9000推動的執行經驗(包括1.系統觀、思考模式, 2. 內外部稽核, 3. 文件管理的方式, 4. PDCA 循環, 5. 教育訓練及6. 推展經驗)都可以運用在ISO 14001 上。
(633512115184062500.pdf 167KB)全面品質管理、環境管理、環境稽核、ISO 9000、ISO 14000
The process of ISO !4001 certification makes an enterprise pursue environmental management and improve its environmental performance. Such practice, in turn, reduce the risks of external disputes, government fines, and liabilities. Furthermore, the company can also improve its pollution control, energy consumption and production cost, and hence increase its competitiveness. This research develops an procedural framework for adoption of ISO 14000. This framework is built on the theory of total quality management, environmental management, and the experiences of international environmental management reported in the literature. To validate this framework, we study five Taiwanese firms' preparation for ISO 14001 certification, covering a total of 19 major issues. From the research, we found certain common characteristics among these firms. In particular, they tend to have better quality and environmental management records, sufficient top management support, and highly motivated employees. Also, these firms already obtained ISO 9000 prior to proceeding to ISO 1400 I. The experience with ISO 9000 is very useful for implementing ISO 14001, in terms of systematic thinking, documentation, internal and external auditing. PDCA cycle, education and promotion.
(633512115184062500.pdf 167KB)Total Quality Management, Environment Management, Environment Auditing, ISO 9000, ISO 14000