Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

  Journal Fullview

Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  1998/6

Vol. 6, No.2  p.331-356

The Relationship of the Lack of Fit Between Management Control System and Managers’ Preferences with Managers’ Dysfunctional Behavior
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周齊武、Michael Shields、吳安妮/聖地牙哥州立大學、密西根州立大學、國立政治大學
Chee Chow, Michael Shields, Anne Wu/

San Diego State University、Michigan State University、National Chengchi University



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This study explores the relationship of the lack of fit between a firm's management control system (MCS) and the preferences of its employees with the latter's behaviors. MCS fit can significantly affect the firm's competitiveness in many ways, including the cost of retaining employees, the types of employees it manages to keep, turnover (hiring, training costs plus employee satisfaction and loyalty) and the decisions and actions of employees. Fit is especially important in the industries which are subject to high degrees of competition because the margin for errors or inefficiencies is small. The computers/electronics industry in Taiwan is one such industry. It is subject to foreign competition both in Taiwan and in the overseas markets it competes in. Hence, this study aims to explore the degree to which Taiwanese computers/electronics firms' MCSs fit their employees' preferences and the relationship of this fit with employee stress and communication misrepresentation. The findings of this study indicate that the higher the lack of fit for decentralization and performance-contingent rewards, the higher are the managers' stress. And the higher the lacks of fit for the quality of accounting information, the higher are the managers' communication misrepresentation.

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Management Control System, Stress, Communication Misrepresentation, Dysfunctional Consequences

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

本研究之管理意涵可就企業界及學術界兩方面加以說明: 一、 就企業界而言 本研究發現影響經理人員工作壓力之主要因素為分權化與或有性績效獎勵制度之不適當等之影響。企業界為降低經理人員之工作壓力,勢必得有效地強化分權化制度及有效地設計或有性績效獎勵制度為宜。又本研究另發現影響經理人員不實傳達消息之原因為會計資訊品質之問題,因而如何有效地加強會計資訊之品質,俾提供攸關、正確、與即時性之資訊給決策者參考,乃為目前企業界刻不容緩之課題。總之,希望本研究對實務界MCS之有效及合理的制定,提供一有用性之方向。 二、 就學術界而言: 本研究對管理控制系統之不適度加以探討,發現會計資訊品質之不適度會影響經理人員不實傳達消息之情況,因而未來之研究者應深入地了解如何促進會計資訊之品質化。會計資訊之品質化問題,一直以來皆是個相當重要之議題,學術界應以理論為基礎,首先探討會計資訊品質化操作性之問題為宜。又在降低MCS之不適度上之一些其他方向:如透過社會化之方式、或加入組織文化管理面、及策略、環境面之考慮因素等皆為未來研究有待加強及努力之處。希望本研究對台灣本土化MCS之相關研究能帶來一些啟示性的作用。
