Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  1998/6
Vol. 6, No.2 p.293-330
National Taiwan University
(633512107248593750.pdf 85KB)行為會計、研究領域、研究主題、研究典範、透鏡模型、政策捕捉、經驗法則及偏誤、決策前行為、經驗、專家、專長、實驗經濟學
This paper adopts a three-dimensional taxonomy to review the main behavioral accounting studies in the past 30 years. This taxonomy includes research fields, research issues and research paradigms as the three dimensions and is expected to facilitate understanding the substance aspects as well as procedural aspects of behavioral accounting research. This paper concludes with some observations on the prior research and suggestions for future studies including conducting behavioral research in Taiwan.
(633512107248593750.pdf 85KB)Behavioral Accounting, Research fields, research issues, research paradigms, lens model, policy capturing, heuristics and biases, pre-decisional behavior, experience, expert, expertise, experiment economics
會計人員設計並運作會計資訊,產生會計資訊,供攸關個體決策之用,也可能影響攸關個體之行為。會計資訊中,屬於外部報導者,尚須經審計程序,並由專家出具意見,以增加會計資訊之公信力。 會計資訊與債權人、投資人的決策,有何關係?會計資訊系統與經理人員的行為,有何關係?審計人員的專業判斷方式與績效又如何?實務工作者也許無暇思索這些問題,但是,每一個相關的工作者也都藉由他們的行為,回答上述問題。行為會計研究者則透過有系統的方式,蒐集資料,捕捉行為以回答上述問題。