中山管理評論  2000/6
第8卷第2期 p.345-379
Providence University
廣告是企業對外促銷的一種工具,但是國內銀行業長期處於封閉的寡佔市場中缺乏競爭,因而疏於應用。然而隨著金融市場開放與體制轉型,各式廣告如雨後春筍蓬勃發展。本研究針對台灣地區銀行業過去十年間於財經工商雜誌上的廣告,以內容分析法探討,除依銀行經營特性將其廣告訴求分為產品、價格、可靠、據點便利、時間便利、效率、服務態度和企業形象等八類分析外,更進一步就各式(如外國/本園,公營/民營,新/舊)銀行間在廣告時期上、數量上與訴求內容上之趨勢,比較其間之差異。研究結果顯示: (1)就刊登雜誌而言,外國銀行集中於發行量前兩大之雜諒,本國銀行則較分散;(2)就廣告期間而言,外國銀行在新銀行設立前後一年,廣告量明顯增加,本國銀行則於近二年激增;(3)就每家廣告主平均廣告篇數而言,外國銀行較本國銀行多,舊民營銀行則比新民營及公營銀行多; (4)就廣告訴求而言,外國銀行商量可靠及據點便利,本國銀行則強調產品、價格及服務態度;(5)整體而言,不論中外銀行,十年來皆持續以企業形象為訴求重點。
(633506334750625000.pdf 176KB)銀行廣告、廣告訴求、內容分析
Advertising is important in the marketing activities. Earlier on, financial market used to be oligopoly in Taiwan. Therefore, such an environment made banks of Taiwan less competitive, and advertising was not sufficient. Since 1990, the financial market opened up and new banks have been established contiguously, so banks face more competition and even more importance is attached to advertising strategic. The research examines banks' advertisement which in the financial, economic or business magazines over the past ten years, and discusses some topics using the contents analysis method. First, we divide the appeals of advertisement into eight types- product, price, reliability, site convenience, time of service convenience, efficiency, service attitude and enterprise image- by the characteristics of banking services. Then we go onto compare the differences of banks' advertisement between foreign/native, public/private, new /old banks concerning advertising quantity and appeal during the period. The results of the research show the following: 1. The quantity of the foreign banks' advertisement concentrates on magazines which have the top two volume of circulation, but the native banks' advertisement doesn't. 2. The quantity of the foreign banks' advertisement increases obviously before and after the year when the new native banks are permitted to operate; however, the quantity of native banks' advertisement increases in recent two years. 3. In the average amount of advertisement by the same bank,. the foreign banks own much more than the native banks; on the other hand, the old banks own more than the new as well as the public ones. 4. Every bank's advertisement emphasizes the enterprise image. However, the foreign banks emphasize reliability and site convenience; but the native banks emphasize product, price and service attitude. 5. No matter the foreign or the native banks' advertisement has always persisted in emphasizing its enterprise image thepast ten years.
(633506334750625000.pdf 176KB)Bank Advertising, Advertising Appeals, Content Analysis
隨著金融市場開放,國內家數在十年內已成長一倍多,銀行所面對的競爭是日益激烈,再加上近年來國人消費型態改變,消費金融業務蓬勃發展,銀行為因應經營環境改變,也逐漸調整經營方向,以個人消費者為重心,各種促銷活動紛紛出籠,媒體廣告因而轉趨活絡。雖然部份銀行把廣告支出視為費用,但有的卻將它視為一項投資,由於他們對廣告支出抱持不同的心態,因而,在廣告策略運用上亦有所差異。 本研究以國內銀行業過去十年期間在工商雜誌上的促銷廣告為主體,本著客觀性、系統性及定量性的內容分析原則,以消費者選擇銀行重視的利益因子作為銀行廣告訴求主題分類構面,比較不同屬性銀行之廣告策略,研究結果顯示:(1)就刊登雜誌而言,外國銀行集中於發行量前兩大之雜誌,本國銀行則較分散;(2)就廣告期間而言,外國銀行在新銀行設立前後一年,廣告量明顯增加,本國銀行則於近二年激增;(3)就每家廣告主平均廣告篇數而言,外國銀行較本國多,舊民營銀行則比新民營及公營銀行多;(4)就廣告訴求而言,外國銀行側重可靠及據點便利,本國銀行則強調產品、價格及服務態度;(5)整體而言,不論是中外銀行,十年來皆持續以企業形象為訴求重點。 除了上述發現外,本研究對相關業者有以下之建議:一、對銀行業者建議,隨著社會生活型態改變,顧客對便利性的要求也愈來愈高,但研究中卻發現在「時間便利」及「效率」訴求上所佔比例偏低,往後可加強這方面的訴求。另外,銀行近來積極開發新產品,而金融商品因缺乏專利權保護,同質性非常高,業者應朝向創造品牌價值發展,經由差異化效應,在顧客心目中建立獨特品牌地位。二、對廣告代理商建議,當訴求主題過多時,容易分散讀者的注意,模糊了主要訴求,造成廣告效果降低,因此,在設計廣告文案時應特別注意。由於銀行業競爭日趨激烈,產業分工與區隔之現象逐漸明朗。銀行業本身業務也區分為法人機構與自然人兩大客群,前者現已由專人進行一對一行銷,而後者似乎有傾向報紙向一般消費者廣告之可能,值得廣告業者觀察。