Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2002/9

Vol. 10, No.3  p.445-459

Integral Approach, Quarterly Earnings, and Stock Returns
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Wen-Chih Lee、Shu-Hua Lee、Yann-Ching Tsai/

National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences、National Taiwan University


財務會計準則公報第23 號有關財務會計報表表達及揭露之規定中第四段規定: 『期中期間係屬會計年度整體之一部份,故每一期中報表日之遞延數、應計數及估計數宜考慮、該年度剩餘期間之經營結果。因此,會計年度內發生之成本與費用,宜按估計提供效益之期間、銷售量、生產量或其他基礎分攤至各期中期間。』採取這種整體論(integral approach) 的方法,再加上國外未預期季盈餘序列結構之研究,產生一些國內市場值得探討的問題:是否國內市場資料以隨機漫步(random walk) 模型估計未預期盈餘亦有自我迴歸之性質、是否這個自我迴歸的關係,在同一年間較強烈(肇因於整體論方法)以及是否可能期中財務報告採整體論方法對季盈餘時間序列與股票報酬關係之影響 利用未預期盈餘自我相關之性質獲取超額報酬。本文的目的即是針對我國上市公司,觀察其未預期季盈餘之特性,並嘗試利用季盈餘特性形成投資組合,檢驗是否能獲取超額之報酬。

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Taiwanese financial accounting standards No. 23 states that interim reports should be viewed as an integral part of an annual report. Therefore, firms should estimate related sales, cost and other defeπed and accrual amounts on an annual basis, and tben allocate appropriate amounts to the quarter reported. Under this integral approach, the time series of quarterly earnings must present certain auto-regression structure. This is not surprising given the empirical evidence found in Brown and Rozeff (1979) and numerous followers. However, since tbere is no prior research examining the data on the domestic market, there are some interesting local issues. They are: I. How well does the market anticipate tbis auto-regression structure? Does the market under or overreact to the structure? 2. Does the integral approach reinforce the auto-regression structure for quarters within the same fiscal year? 3. Is it possible to utilize the knowledge on the structure to earn abnormal retums? This research shall pursue the answers for the above questions.

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interim reports, quarterly earnings, unezpected earnings, cumulative abnormal returns

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

財務會計準則公報第23號有關財務會計報表表達及揭露中第四段規定:『期中期間係屬會計年度整體之一部份,故每一期中報表日之遞延數、應計數及估計數宜考慮該年度剩餘期間、之經營結果。因此,會計年度內發生之成本與費用,宜按估計提供效益之期間、銷售量、生產量或其他基礎分攤至各期中期間。』採取這種處理期中報之規定,基本上是希望期中報表不至於誤導投資者,因為各行業之產銷或多或少均有季節性,再加上必要之估計項目相當多。這個規定與美國的期中報表規範(參見美國Accounting Principle Board Opinion No.28, Statement of Accounting Standards No.3與Financial Accounting Standards Board Interpretation No.18)一致,在此規定下,季盈餘時間序列產生自我迴歸的性質應當是必然的現象。   因此本文亟欲探討國內市場之一些問題:是否國內市場資料以隨機漫步模型估計未預期盈餘亦有自我迴歸之性質、是否這個自我迴歸的關係,在同一年間較強烈(肇因於整體論),以及是否可能利用未預期盈餘自我相關之性質獲取超額報酬,實證結果發現就市場投資者對於未預期盈餘反有低估的情形;同一年度所形成之避險投資組合之異常報酬高於年度之組合,表示考慮期中報告採整體論的投資組合對股票報酬具預測性,意謂著市場不且效率性,因此本文認為,市場邊投資者對盈餘時間序列之結構應該存在定錨現象,或他們無法完全洞悉期中財務報告採整體論方法對未預期季盈餘變動。
