中山管理評論  2004/9
第12卷第3期 p.507-533
Department of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University , Institute of Management of Technology, National Chiao Tung University , Institute of Business & Management, National Chiao Tung University , Institute of Business & Management, Nat
早期行銷策略探討中,認為企業的市場佔有率愈大則獲利率會愈佳或營收成長率愈大則獲利率愈高。但是本研究針對新竹科學園區內 180 家廠商的經營 績效變數作相關性之多變量分析。結果顯示,市場佔有率、營收成長率與獲利 率之間並未呈現顯著正相關,換言之,市場佔有率愈大或營收成長率愈大,企 業的獲利率未必同步增加。反之,本研究顯示,營業利潤以及資源投入與市場 佔有率具有顯著正相關,此意涵本研究分析的企業,有追求總利潤最大而非獲 利率最大的傾向,並透過資源投入與市場佔有率的擴大以獲取總利潤的增加, 除此之外,資本生產力與勞動生產力表現較佳的群組,營業利潤與市場佔有率 表現亦較佳。
(633495816774375000.pdf 55KB)市場佔有率、市場成長率、獲利率、績效評估
Market share was a main strategic approach of management in the era of product-centric. Firms expanded their market shares and increased their sales to maximize their profits. However, this pattern of management was no more successful in the past decade. This study conducts a multivariate analysis of interrelationship between various indices of management performance based on a sample of 180 firms located in the Science-based Industrial Park in Taiwan. The results reveal that neither market share nor sale growth is significantly correlated with profit rates. Therefore, firms with large market share and high sale growth do not have the advantage of increasing-return-to-scale. In contrast, firms operating profits increase with market shares, implying that firms’ goal is to maxing operating profits instead of profit rates.
(633495816774375000.pdf 55KB)Management performance; Market share; Profitability; Sales growth
以產品為導向的經營時代,市場佔有率是大家奉為圭梟的經營法則。各公司為追求利潤,無不積極擴大市場佔有率及成長率,以期建立規模經濟。本研究以科學工業園區管理局所提供之新竹科學園區180家廠商,於1997年至1999年的實際營運資料作為分析數據,結果顯示,市場佔有率、營收成長率與獲利率之間並未呈現顯著正相關,而且企業的資源投入與獲利率亦未有顯著相關。相反地,營業利潤跟資源投入與市場佔有率則具有顯著正相關,此意謂本研究分析的企業,有追求總利潤最大而非獲利率最大的傾向,並透過資源投入與市場佔有率的擴大以獲取總利潤的增加。 除此之外,本研究發現園區廠商因為面對產品同質化與價格影響力量有限的產業環境下,具有資本生產力與勞動生產力較佳之製造成本優勢的廠商,其市場佔有率與營業利潤的表現會較佳。但是此亦隱含一旦企業失去製造成本的優勢,企業將面臨獲利率與營業利潤都下降的危機。此時,改變產品同質化並取得價格控制力,例如產品與服務的差異化,是企業彌補製造成本劣勢,取得高經營績效的另一途徑。