

中山管理評論  2007/6

第15卷第2期  p.393-432

A Study of the Impact of Abnormal Financial Earnings on Firm Value:A Perspective of After-tax Valuation
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Song-Horng Lin、Jui-Ching Huang/

Department of Accountancy National Cheng Kung University , Department of Accounting Information Kun Shan University ofTechnology


本文將公司所得稅及股東所得稅納入Feltham and Ohlson (1995)、Harris and Kemsley (1999) 及Zeng (2001) 之異常盈餘模式中,延伸成為稅後評價模 式,此模式認為公司價值是「帳面價值」與「稅後淨利」的函數,在公司稅存 在情況下,利息費用具有抵稅效果,因此財務資產所產生的異常財務盈餘不但 存在,而且可能增加公司價值。在稅後評價模式下,本文預期負債融資績效會 對異常財務盈餘反應係數發生影響,實證結果發現異常財務盈餘確實可增加公 司價值,且財務資產帳面值、營業資產帳面值、異常營業盈餘等亦與公司價值本日闕,惟未來異常財務盈餘持續性與未來異常營業盈餘持續性並不相同。 然而,在將非稅成本與兩稅合一因素納入模式後,實證結果指出非稅成本 愈大的公司,其異常財務盈餘係數愈小,間接證實異常財務盈餘與公司融資活動有關。同時,在其他條件不變情況下,由於營所稅已非公司費用而係股東綜 所稅之預繳,因此實證結果也指出兩稅合一後公司異常財務盈餘對公司價值之 提高,較兩稅合一前為小,且有效稅率愈高的公司,共異常財務盈餘對公司價 值的提高也愈小。此種結果也間接證實兩稅合一會使股東可扣抵稅額的租稅利 益增加, 進而減少舉債的租稅誘因。

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This paper extends Feltham-Ohlson (1995), Harris & Kemsley (1999) and Zeng's (2001) residual income models by adding corporate tax and shareholders tax to form the tax-adjusted market valuation model, and suggests that the market value of a firm is a function of book value and after-tax earnings. Due to tax deductibility on interest expense, financial assets can generate non-zero abnormal financial earning, and thus enhance the market value of a firm. We expect, under the tax-adjusted framework, that debt-financing performance has impacts on earnings response coefficient of abnormal financial earnings. Our empirical results indicate that abnormal financial earnings certainly increase firm market value and that financial assets book value, operating assets book value and abnormal operating earnings are related to firm value. But, earnings persistence of abnormal financial earnings and that of abnormal operating earnings are different. However, after incorporating non-tax cost and integrated taxes system into the tax-adjusted market valuation model, we find that abnormal financial earnings response coefficient is smaller for firms with relatively higher non-tax cost. Such result indirectly confirms the influence of debt-financing activities on abnormal financial earnings. In addition, ceteris paribus, since corporate income tax is no longer an operating expense for an enterprise, instead, it can be used to offset shareholders' individual income taxes. These empirical results also suggest that abnormal financial earnings response coefficient after the enactment of 1998 integrated taxes system in Taiwan is lower than that before 1998, and abnormal financial earnings response coefficient is lower for firms with relatively higher effective tax rate either before or after 1998. Such finding also indirectly confirms firms with greater imputation tax credit will tend to have lower debt under integrated taxes system.

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Residual income, Abnormal financial earnings, Non-tax cost, Integrated taxes system, Imputation tax credit


在財務理論上,Modigliani and Miller (1958)認為若稅負不存在,則財務(資本)結構與公司價值無關,但Modigliani and Miller (1963)也認為在稅負存在情況下,利息費用因具有抵稅(tax deductible)效果,使得負債融資優於權益融資,許多財務、經濟及會計文獻都發現公司所得稅會影響負債融資決策。在會計理論上,Feltham and Ohlson (1995)與Ohlson (1995)曾運用淨剩餘模式將公司活動分為「營業」及「融資」兩類,認為公司價值雖由公司帳面值與預期未來異常盈餘折現值所組成,但其價值卻僅由營業績效有關的未來資訊及目前帳面價值資料所決定,而與每日調整至市價(marked to market)且不會產生異常盈餘的財務資產無關。 本文參考Zeng (2001)及 Harris and Kemsley (1999)之實證模式,將Feltham and Ohlson的淨剩餘模式放寬,納入公司所得稅與股東所得稅,考慮若融資活動的異常報酬存在,則其異常財務報酬是否對公司價值有所影響,並探討當非稅成本存在與兩稅合一實施後,公司異常財務報酬對公司價值之影響是否有所改變,以瞭解異常財務報酬可能產生的政策與管理意涵,實證結果發現: (1) 在公司稅存在情況下,異常財務盈餘確可增加公司價值,但其持續性與未來異常營業盈餘持續性並不相同,且「產業別」異常財務盈餘持續性差異較「年度別」為大,意味著管理當局在考慮透過異常財務盈餘之利息費用抵稅效果來提高公司價值時,不同產業有其經營決策與租說政策上的不同考量。因此,僅採用異常營業盈餘來檢測市場評價模型,並非正確的方法。 (2) 「企業風險」與「破產成本」是公司二種主要的非稅成本來源,非稅成本愈高,其負債融資的租稅利益愈低,意味著非稅成本與融資活動利息費用之抵稅效果呈反向變動,證實異常財務盈餘與公司融資活動有關。 台灣已實施兩稅合一制度,在股利重複課稅已被消除,負債融資租稅利益已減少的情況下,兩稅合一後公司異常財務盈餘對公司價值之提高,較兩稅合一前為小,且有效稅率愈高的公司,其異常財務盈餘對公司價值的提高也愈小,顯示兩稅合一的實施,有助於公司權益資金成本的降低,以消除公司舉債與募股間的扭曲程度,並使公司最適負債比率下降。此種結果間接證實兩稅合一會使股東可扣抵稅額的租稅利益增加,進而減少舉債的租稅誘因。
