

中山管理評論  2024/12

第32卷第4期  p.633-665


有利選擇、逆選擇或道德危險? 探討再保險市場的資訊不對稱
Propitious/Adverse Selection or Moral Hazard? Information Asymmetry in the Reinsurance Markets
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Yung-Ming Shiu, Juei-Hsiang Chen/

Department of Risk Management and Insurance, National Chengchi University、Department of Accounting, Shih Chien University







Although information asymmetry is extensively discussed in insurance markets, this is not the case in reinsurance markets. In this paper, we determine whether and which kind of information asymmetry exists within the United Kingdom non-life reinsurance markets. Using data from 1985 and 2012, we find that propitious selection is generally found to exist throughout the reinsurance markets, particularly in the third-party liability and miscellaneous and pecuniary loss reinsurance markets. Additionally, information asymmetry phenomena are also found in the motor and marine, aviation and transport reinsurance markets. Our results further reveal that propitious selection is found to exist in high loss ratio ceded quantiles, whereas there is no evidence of its existence in low loss ratio ceded quantiles.



Asymmetric information; Reinsurance coverage; Propitious selection; Quantile regressions.



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