

中山管理評論  2024/12

第32卷第4期  p.577-631


家族企業之未來環保支出揭露與其 經濟後果
The Disclosure of Environmental Expenditures of Family Firms and its Economic Consequences
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Huan-Yi Li, Ming-Chin Chen/

Department of Accounting, National Changhua University of Education、Department of Accounting, National Chengchi University







Using a sample of Taiwanese listed and over-the-counter (OTC) family firms from 2016 to 2019, we investigate the disclosure of the environmental expenditures of family firms and the related economic consequences. Further, we examine the disclosure of family firms with descendant chairpersons and the related economic consequences. First, we find that family firms tend to disclose higher planned expenditures for environmental protection than those of nonfamily firms. Furthermore, family firms disclosing higher planned environmental protection expenditures tend to have higher firm value, ceteris paribus. We also show that family firms with descendant chairpersons tend to disclose higher planned expenditures for environmental protection and tend to have higher firm value, ceteris paribus. Our results show that family firms appear to pay more attention to environmental awareness by publicly disclosing higher future environmental expenditures and that the disclosure of environmental expenditures has a positive effect on firm value. The findings support the government’s call on companies to raise their corporate environmental social responsibility and enhance the information disclosure of environmental expenditures.



Family Firms, Corporate Environmental Social Responsibility, Disclosure of Environmental Expenditure, Firm Value



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