Department of Interaction Design, National Taipei University of Technology、Doctoral Program in Design, College of Design, National Taipei University of Technology
The service robot is a new artificial intelligence technology that combines big data, algorithms, and cloud technologies to improve service quality and efficiency. This study uses a service design thinking approach to define the service core and functions of applying service robots in the new retail industry. The two-way questionnaire of the Kano model is applied to build a two-dimensional quality model integrating the customer's satisfaction and the objective product function and a comparative analysis of overall and virtual channel preferences. Furthermore, we use the Customer Satisfaction Coefficient Matrix to present each service function's development priority and choice. The results of this study can serve as a benchmark for future service robot application development in the new retail industry. Future studies suggest improving user experience design, parameter analysis, and evaluation of the collaborative relationship between service workers and service robots for new retail applications.
(171_M675936c556bb0_Abs.pdf(檔案不存在))Service Robot, New Retail Industry, Service Design Thinking, Kano Model, Customer Satisfaction Coefficient Matrix
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