

中山管理評論  2024/12

第32卷第4期  p.515-539


The Effect of Product Knowledge of Point Co-branded Cards on Brand Perception Benefits and Customer Satisfaction
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Chieh-Pin Lin, Wei-Hsi Hung, Fang-Kai Chang, Yu-Jen Tien, Yu-Ju Tseng/

Department of Information Management, Management College, National Defense University、Department of Information Management, National Chengchi University、Department of Information Management, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology、Department of Business Administration, National Chengchi University、Department of Information Management, National Chengchi University







With the advent of the Bank 4.0 era, point co-branded card has become an important role between commercial banks and other point collection ecosystems. From the perspective of cardholders, this study attempts to explore whether the brand perception benefits of point co-branded cardholders affect their customer satisfaction, and the role of cardholders’ product knowledge in the studied context. A total of 482 questionnaires were recovered after invalid questionnaires. A structural equation model analysis was carried out, and the results showed that the brand perception benefit of the cardholders had a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction. On the other hand, the product knowledge had significant positive effects on brand perception benefit and customer satisfaction. Although product knowledge did not moderate the positive impact of brand perception benefits on customer satisfaction, it had direct impact on brand-perceived benefits and customer satisfaction. Therefore, this study suggested that if banks want to improve the competitiveness and satisfaction of their point co-branded cards, they should consider how to effectively disseminate relevant information, such as point collections and point use channels, to improve cardholders’ product knowledge.



Brand Perception Value, Product Knowledge, Point Co-branded Card, Customer Satisfaction, Banking Industry



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