Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2024/9

Vol. 32, No.3  p.339-372


Applying PPM Framework to Explore Consumer’s Switching Intention from Offline to Online Shopping
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Chia-Ying Li; Yu-Wun Huang/

Department of Information Management, National Sun Yat-sen University; Department of Business Administration, National Taichung University of Science and Technology


實體購物與網路購物有其各自優缺點,消費者會在兩種通路中進行轉換。本研究以推-拉-繫住力模式為理論基礎,將實體商店之特性作為推力因素,網路商店之特性被視為拉力因素,探討消費者從線下轉換至線上購物之轉換意圖。此外,本研究亦將繫住力納入考量,亦即慣性對於推力及拉力對於轉換意圖之間關係的干擾效果。本研究以曾在某品牌實體商店和網路商店的購物經驗之消費者為對象,進行問卷調查,總共回收450 份有效問卷,並且以Smart PLS進行資料分析,研究結果顯示推力因素,包含:無法立即擁有、無法滿足接觸需求、低安全性對轉換意圖有正向影響;拉力因素包含:地點和時間便利性、產品可取得性、社交購物及經濟效益對轉換意圖有正向的影響。

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Physical shopping and online shopping have their own advantages and disadvantages which strengthen or hinder consumers’ switching behaviors. Prior literature have explored the motivations of consumers to use physical or online shopping, but relative few studies have discussed consumers’ switching intention between offline and online stores. By applying the Push-Pull-Mooring framework, this study adopted the characteristics of physical stores as the push effects, and characteristics of the online store as the pull effects. Inertia was considered as a mooring factor to explore consumers’ switching intention from offline to online shopping. The survey was conducted by using online questionnaire and the brands which have both online and physical stores were used as the research contexts. A total of 450 valid questionnaires were collected by convenience sampling method, and data was analyzed with SmartPLS software. The results showed that the push effects, including low immediate possession, low need for touch, and insecurity, have impacts on switching intention, whereas the pull effects, in terms of place and time convenience, product availability, economic benefits, and social shopping, have positive influences on switching intention.

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Online and Offline Shopping, Push-Pull-Mooring Framework, Economic Benefits, Inertia, Switching Intention

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

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