Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2024/3

Vol. 32, No.1  p.149-170


Divergence and Pair Trading Strategy
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洪偉峰、林靖庭、李晉含、李世偉/逢甲大學財務金融系、國立政治大學金融學系、群益期貨ETF 及指數投資部、國泰人壽投資交易部
Wei-Feng Hung; Ching-Ting Lin; Chin-Han Lee; Shih-Wei Lee/

Department of Finance, Feng Chia University; Department of Money and Banking, National Chengchi University; ETF & Index Investment, Capital Investment Trust Corporation; Dealing Department, Cathay Life Insurance Co., Ltd.


本文計算個股與對應基準組合的價格偏離,並依價格偏離程度大小進行對沖交易。使用台灣股票市場為樣本,本文發現價格偏離程度與股票未來報酬有顯著正相關。從1995 年2 月到2019 年12 月,價格偏離對沖策略每月平均可獲得0.85%原始報酬與0.91%風險調整報酬,價格偏離對沖策略的累績報酬率是同期間台灣加權指數的4.32 倍,代表價格偏離對沖策略可以有效規避市場風險,達到風險中立的目的。台灣的價格偏離對沖策略在小規模與高淨值市價比股票顯著,但既使控制規模、淨值市價比後,價格偏離對未來報酬仍有顯著的解釋力,此解釋力主要來自於基準組合報酬率的短期動能效果。

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This paper calculates return divergence between a specific stock and its benchmark portfolio and conducts pair trading strategy according to the degree of divergence. Using Taiwan stock sample from February 1995 to December 2019, the pair trading strategy generates monthly 0.85% raw returns and 0.91% risk-adjusted returns on average, approximately 4.32 times of TAIEX returns. The findings indicate that the pair trading strategy is market-neutral. The divergence pair trading strategy is profound in small size and high book-to-market ratio stocks. The performance is robust after controlling size and book-to-market ratio. We document that the key factor to explain divergence pair trading performance is the short-term momentum effect of the benchmark portfolio.

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Divergence, Pairs Trading, Market Neutral, Short Term Reversal, Momentum

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

自2020 年起,投稿本刊之文章,均不需提供政策與管理意涵。已接受但尚未刊登之文章則仍依原稿件格式撰寫。


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