Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Revealing Knowledge while Self-Learning: The Declaration of Standard Essential Patents and Exploitative Learning
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Jing-Ming Shiu; Wei-Ling Huang/

Department of Business Administration, National Cheng Kung University; Department of Business Administration, National Cheng Kung University


本研究分析企業在第三代合作夥伴計畫通訊標準制定組織中,標準必要專利與排他性專利之間的引用關係。焦點企業宣告標準必要專利並且基於FRAND 來授權給其它企業,正是一個增加獲取價值的方式。然而,焦點企業的標準必要專利的技術知識被其它企業所學習與模仿,就成為非預期性的知識外溢。換言之,其它企業引用焦點企業的標準必要專利來申請獲取成為新型排他型專利,就將限制了焦點企業持續獲取價值的空間。本研究則是發現標準必要專利的價值性與時效性,以及創新能力,會讓焦點企業在申請新的排他型專利時,增加對自家標準必要專利的自我引用。專利的自我引用是一種深化性學習。本研究的分析結果進一步說明了企業在選擇性揭露中進行深化性學習的原因。

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This study analyzes the citation relationship between standard essential patents (SEPs) and proprietary patents of firms, who participate in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) telecommunication standard-setting organization. The focal firm declares standard essential patents and licenses them to other firms based on FRAND (Fair, Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory), which is a means for value creation. However, the technical knowledge of the standard essential patents of the focal firm is learned and imitated by other firms, which may become unexpected knowledge spillovers. In other words, other firms cite standard essential patents of the focal firm to apply for new proprietary patents will limit the space for the focal firm to capture value. This study finds that the value and timeliness of standard essential patents and the innovative capacity of the focal firm will increase the self-citation of proprietary patents from focal firms’ standard essential patents. Patent’s self-citation is keen on exploitative learning. Our analysis results further explain how firms conduct exploitative learning in selective revealing.

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Selective Revealing, Standard Essential Patents, Proprietary Patents, Exploitative Learning, Standard-Setting Organization

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

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