

中山管理評論  2023/12

第31卷第4期  p.705-760


The Influence of Social Capital on Personal Health Information Disclosure
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Shin-Yuan Hung, Yu-Li Hung, Qian-Hua Lai, Annie Pei-I Yu/

Department of Information Management,National Chung Cheng University; Big Data Research Center,National Chung Cheng University; Institute of Healthcare Information Management,National Chung Cheng University; Department of Business Administration,National Chung Cheng University







This study applies social capital theory to investigate the influence of the establishment of social capital on individuals’ health information disclosure behavior. An experimental method was used in this study. Participants were randomly allocated to groups, including 15 large groups (7 participants per group) and 15 small groups (3 participants per group). Each group was required to complete a task situation we provided. The experiments lasted for four weeks. This study recruited college students and the general public to participate in the experiment. A total of 150 people participated in the experiment and filled out the questionnaire. The findings showed that trust significantly affects the extent of personal health information disclosed by individuals. Identification has a significant impact on the depth of personal health information shared, while obligation influences the quantity, depth, and breadth of personal health information disclosed by individuals. Finally, this study proposes specific recommendations and suggests future research directions in both practical and academic aspects.



Personal Health Information, Information Disclosure, Social Capital Theory, Experimental Method



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