

中山管理評論  2021/12

第29卷第4期  p.617-653


Charoen Pokphand: Social License to Operate and Corporate Social Responsibility
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Shih-Wei Wu, Chin-Hua Yang, William Tang/

Department of Business Management, National Taipei University of Technology、College of Management, National Taipei University of Technology、College of Management, National Taipei University of Technology


本個案緣起於卜蜂企業股份有限公司計畫在花蓮設置大型養雞場,申請程序雖然合法,但遭到當地居民抗議。花蓮縣政府以未與居民達成共識為理由,撤銷其使用許可及建築執照。 「社會許可經營」的理念,是指,涉及自然環境和民眾利益等的開發案,除了通過政府許可及符合相關法規外,也必須獲得民眾及利益攸關者的支持與接受。公司從事企業社會責任活動,也有助於取得及維持社會許可經營。   本個案以「卜蜂在花蓮設置養雞場」為題材,分析卜蜂在設廠時取得「社會許可經營」的作為,以及在面臨抗爭事件時的溝通策略。





Charoen Pokphand (CP) plans to invest a chicken farm in Hualien, Taiwan. Due to the protest of the local residents and some other stakeholder groups, the permission has been withdraw by the Hualien County Government. This may imply that the CP might not fulfill the “Social License to Operate”. To ensure the success, one must get the support and acceptance of the people and stakeholders, where the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the company also plays an important role. With the rise of people’s sovereignty and environmental awareness, local residents have resisted and clashed with CP. Therefore, how the CP can solve environmental problems and reduce the impact on surrounding communities is now receiving high attention from the public.



Social License to Operate, Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholder, Communication, Social Capital



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