

中山管理評論  2021/6

第29卷第2期  p.337-369


The Impacts of Personality, Personal Value, and Attitude on Willingness to Be Holiday Farmers
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Chia-Lin Hsu, Tai-Ning Yang, Chieh-Ying Cheng, Chih-Ching Yu, Yen-Jung Pan/

Department of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University; CTBC Business School; Department of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University; Department of Business Administration, National Taipei University; Office of Institutional Research, Office of Research and Development, Chinese Culture University







As the changes in social life styles and social structure, the labor force has flowed out to the city, and thus becomes alienated from nature. Facing such a life in the present, it would be a good thing to have the opportunity to experience rural life and fun for eliminating irritability and getting rid of stress. Therefore, this study aims to explore the impacts among personality (neuroticism and openness), personal value (internal values, external value, and fun/ excitement value), mindfulness, attitude (utilitarian attitude and hedonic attitude), and willingness to be a “holiday farmer”. This study uses paper-based questionnaire survey and convenient sampling to collect data. The empirical results show that openness will significantly and positively affect mindfulness. In addition, the hedonic attitude plays a fully mediating role, i.e., internal value and fun/excitement value affect the willingness to be a “holiday farmer” through the hedonic attitude. In contrast, the external value directly and significantly affects the willingness to be a “holiday farmer”.



Holiday Farmer, Personality, Personal Values, Mindfulness, Attitudes


近年來,食安問題層出不窮,促使民眾健康意識抬頭,因此,假日農夫蔚為風尚。即使假日農夫變成流行,農委會於2012年針對5,242位民眾進行調查,發現高達92%的民眾非常想或想過回歸田園,其中又有78%的人表示想參與農作,乃因欲享受農村生活,而欲兼職農作。但回顧過往,發現相關推廣活動較不積極,且沒有特定對象。 因此,本研究目的為探究人格特質(即神經質性格與開放性格)、個人價值觀(即內在價值、外在價值與有趣/興奮價值)、正念、態度(即功利態度與享樂態度)及加入假日農夫意願之間之關係。本研究實證發現,人格特質中僅有開放性格對正念有顯著影響。再者,本研究亦發現享樂態度扮演完全中介之角色,亦即內在價值與有趣/興奮價值皆須透過享樂態度進而影響加入假日農夫意願;對照之下,外在價值則為直接顯著地影響加入假日農夫意願。此外,研究結果亦發現正念皆正向影響功利態度與享樂態度。因此,根據本研究這些結果發現,提出如下政策及管理意涵: 一、相較於神經質性格之個體,屬於開放性格之個體,可採更多元方式,例如,藉由報章雜誌、電視廣告、網路社群媒體與農夫體驗活動之舉辦等,提供其更多的參與資訊,使其更感興趣及專注於此訊息,並且產生正向的正念,進而影響其享樂態度,並認為加入假日農夫是有趣的、愉快的且為一種生活享受,而強化他們加入假日農夫之意願。 二、若欲增強專注於內在價值、有趣/興奮價值之對象加入假日農夫之意願,則須提升其享樂態度。因此,可藉由製作宣傳影片,刺激感官體驗,使其想像自身其中,抑或舉辦農村體驗活動,以強化他們對假日農夫之享樂態度,即使其感受此過程的歡愉,進而提升其加入假日農夫之意願。 三、針對專注於外在價值之對象,則可藉由已從事假日農夫者提供其相關經驗分享,使有興趣加入假日農夫但缺乏實際參與行為之對象,能感受加入假日農夫後,對於生活產生的美好變化,進而影響其加入假日農夫之意願。


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