

中山管理評論  2021/3

第29卷第1期  p.71-102

DOI: 10.6160/SYSMR.202103_29(1).0003

寬一點、大一點、近一點、與集中一點,好嗎? 台灣自行車及其零件製造業群聚的生態分析
Wider, Bigger, Closer, and More Centralized. Do They Matter? The Ecology Analysis of Bicycle and Parts Manufacturing Cluster in Taiwan
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Chien-Chung Lu, Shin-Tien Chen/

Department of Business and Management, Ming Chi University of Technology; Department of Business and Management, Ming Chi University of Technology







Taiwan is the second largest exporter of bicycles in the world. Taichung and Changhua has shaped the ecology environment of bicycle industry. Based on the perspectives of niche theory, organizational size, and resource partitioning for organizational ecology, this research question of this study is niche space wider, organization size bigger, closer to the central business, and more industry centralized, do they matter? To find answers to the above questions, this study adopted log-normal hazard function to analyze the determinants of organizational ecology, collected from 1970 to 2014 unbalanced longitudinal pooling data, bicycle related factories located at Taichung and Changhua area. Empirical results indicate that: (1) there was inverted U-shaped relationship between niche width and organizational mortality; (2) the higher niche overlap density was, the higher organizational mortality was; (3) there was a U-shaped relationship between organizational mortality and organizational size; (4) the more industry centralized was, the lower organizational mortality was. The above results show profound management implications.



Niche Space, Organizational Size, Market Centrality, Industry Centralization, Organizational Ecology


本研究發現所傳達的政策與管理意涵,歸納如下: 首先,「先專才、後通才」的生存策略,乃台灣自行車及其零組件製造業的廠商生存與競爭的策略方向之一。這或許是因為:台灣自行車及其零組件製造業廠商,大多屬於中小型企業,囿於資源有限,宜選擇專精於與自行車相關零組件業的專才型組織,來追求生存;也可能是因為自行車車體結構少有變化,但是其零組件卻相當標準化 (資產專用性小)。故而,自行車產業逐漸走向模組化、專業化的生產模式來追求生存。 其次,台灣中彰地區的自行車及其零組件製造業的群聚是在產業集中化與廠商專才化的交織下,打造出產業群聚的競爭力。何以如此?地理區位因素或許是其中的要因,本研究倒認為經濟交易與生產網絡可能才是關鍵。亦即,產業聚落內廠商間可能相互熟識,擁有信任基礎,易於在產業內從事非交易性依賴的合作,有利於中小企業訂單穩定,解決產品行銷問題,使其致力於專業性的生產。除此之外,產業群聚的情況下,中心工廠與衛星工廠可以共同推動管理與技術之改進,努力提高產品品質,降低生產成本,提高整體產業聚落的競爭力。 最後,台灣自行車產業除了應掌握現有的利基空間外,亦應擴大開發多元的利基空間,避免利基空間重疊密度過高,造成生存威脅。利基空間總是客觀存在的,沒有飽和的空間,只有飽和的經營思維。台灣自行車產業環境所構築的不同的利基空間,也許有些是競爭者曾經涉獵過,可能因時機不成熟或培育市場的方法不適合,遂無功而返;有些是因市場需求出現了新變化引發的新關注點,而來不及調整因應。無論如何,台灣的自行車產業業者在利基空間的開拓上應掌握開發具有特色的長時期利基,構造競爭堡壘的基礎;此外,台灣的自行車產業宜發揮產業群聚帶來的集中化且打群架的競爭優勢,主動發現新的利基空間機會,掌握競爭優勢。


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