

中山管理評論  2019/12

第27卷第4期 我國產業個案專刊  p.759-792


We Solutions Technology ─The Optimal Scheduling of FXE Quartz Ring Manufacturing
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Sheng-Hao Tsao; Jiin-Tian Chyou; Yu-Hsi Yuan/

Department of Management Information Systems, National Chengchi University; Department of Management Information Systems, National Chengchi University; Department of Business Administration, Yuanpei University of Medical Technology


石英(quartz)是半導體重要輔助性耗材,但隨著半導體銷售量提升、石英環製造專利過期而開放的情況下,加入石英環製造的競爭者大幅增加,到2017年,利潤僅剩下加工費用,利潤微薄,使得多數廠商陸續退出市場。「家崎科技」(We Solutions Technology)是少數存活的優良供應商,卻仍面臨無法滿足客戶需求數量的困境。在無法新增設備、擴充產能的前提下,檢討與改善現有製程,成為家崎科技的當務之急。 本個案主要在跟隨陳總經理對於製造現場的問題追蹤,陸續發現加工件數的安排、工件夾治具的設計、加工程序的改善、人機配置的平衡等關鍵因素必須改善。本個案透過要徑法(Critical Path Method, CPM)分析,呈現石英環的製程瓶頸,讓學生透過排程規劃的計算與改善,以解決產能不足、成本過高等問題。





Quartz plays a crucial role in the wafer processing procedure. With the increase in semiconductor sales and the disclosure of quartz ring manufacturing technology due to the expiration of patent protection, the number of competitors entering the quartz ring manufacturing industry has increased significantly. Until 2017, the profit potential of this semiconductor consumable— the FXE quartz ring—could only be obtained from processing. The low profit margin and severe competition caused most manufacturers with poor benefit structure to withdraw from the market. We Solutions Technology is one of the few existing suppliers of FXE quartz rings in this market, but it still faces the difficulty of being unable to meet the demands of customers. In circumstances where We Solutions Technology is unable to acquire additional equipment and expand production capacity, reviewing and improving existing processes has become the top priority. This case study was based on the tracking of every detail at the manufacturing site by General Manager Da-Yu Chen. Through Chen’s professional knowledge and deep practical experience, it was found that key factors, such as the arrangement of the number of processed work pieces, the designs of jigs and fixtures, planning of the processing schedule, and the configuration of human-machine balance, must be improved. Through analysis of the critical path method (CPM), the bottleneck of We Solutions Technology in the manufacturing process of FXE quartz ring was identified. This case can facilitate students’ motivation and understanding through calculated and improved planning of the manufacturing schedule to increase production capacity and reduce costs.



Semiconductor Consumables, Quartz Ring, Critical Path Method, Scheduling


加工製造業在排程上的最佳化存在許多盲點,其中牽涉到人力與設備間的資源配置及其他眾多因素。對工廠管理者而言,需要專業知識及充足的經驗才能做好生產排程優化、將產能效益極大化。本個案以半導體蝕刻耗材─石英環(quartz-ring)產品加工程序為例,探討排程設計的問題,提供作為解決排程最佳化作業類型的參考個案範例。 石英(quartz)在晶圓(wafer)加工程序中扮演重要的輔助性耗材角色。但隨著石英環製造專利過期而開放,導致半導體銷售量提升的情況下,加入石英環製造的競爭者大幅增加。到了2017年,半導體耗材FXE石英環的銷售利潤僅剩下加工費用,殘酷的競爭導致利潤鉅幅下滑,使得多數體質不良的廠商漸漸退出市場。 個案中的「家崎科技」(We Solutions Technology)從事半導體耗材的生產業務,代號FXE的石英環即為其中一項產品。半導體產業中對於石英類的蝕刻耗材年需求量巨大,是每年數十億元產值的關鍵耗材。但FXE石英環的售價與利潤,已隨著近年大量製造商湧入,在激烈競爭下僅剩微薄利潤。現階段能存活的廠商,均是以善用機器設備、提升人工作業效能、擴大生產量等方法見長,能將FXE石英環的製造成本壓至最低,才爭取一些獲利空間。 雖然家崎科技已是該產業的倖存者,仍然面臨現有FXE石英環售價過低、公司獲利不佳的困境。經過公司陳大愚總經理的仔細檢討、釐清生產瓶頸點,配合來自生產線上作業資訊回饋的數據,詳細分析機台運作時間、夾治具的設計、人機作業的配合,進而思考如何做好加工程序的重新排組,同時估算生產成本的改善程度等多面向檢討,因而成功提升產能。本個案從作業研究要徑法分析與製程改善的角度,提出家崎科技FXE石英環排程最佳化、生產夾治具優化、產線人力平衡等實際數據之運算,以深入淺出的方式解說實例。學生可透過本個案學習到工廠排程最佳化知識及運算技巧,及其對產能的顯著影響性。


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