

中山管理評論  2019/9

第27卷第3期  p.631-673


The Mispricing and Price Reversals of Stock Index Futures in Taiwan
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Hai-Ching Liu, Ying-Fen Fu/

Department of Finance, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology; Department of Finance, Tainan University of Technology







This study combines intra-day and daily data to investigate how futures mispricing at the point of stock closing results in the subsequent returns of futures in very short term, short term and a period of time. The result of this study reveals that the mispricing of futures affects the futures return in the subsequent 15 minutes. It also causes significant opposite influence on the next-day returns of futures, which even predicts the trend reverse of futures. If we regard the over-estimated (under-estimated) futures as the winners (losers), the significant reversal effect exists between the stock index futures. The above results display the contribution of this study. That is, the mispricing of futures at the point of stock closing is information contented. Through the modification of price in the next trading days, the price trend of different kinds of stock index futures rotates and the reversal effect is triggered between winner and loser futures. Such information content can predict not only the futures returns of the next day but also the futures trends over the upcoming month.



Carrying Cost Theory, Index Futures, Mispricing, Reversal Effect, Information Contention


現貨收盤時所發生的期貨錯價情形,有可能是投資人近期累積了過於樂觀或悲觀的情緒,產生了宣洩性的買盤或賣壓所造成。此種價格偏誤在市場的調整過程中,有可能會對後續現貨收盤後15分鐘內之期貨報酬或隔日期貨報酬或短期的期貨價格趨勢造成反轉的壓力,因此現貨收盤時的期貨訂價偏誤可能具有資訊內涵。本文結合了訂價偏誤與反轉效應的研究,分析現貨收盤時的錯價狀態是否能夠用來預測極短期與隔日的期貨報酬並預示短期的股價趨勢變化,進而發展出指數期貨間的反轉投資策略。 研究結果顯示,在極短期的觀察上,除了電子期貨外,其他三種期貨在現貨收盤時,期貨有錯價狀況下,在接下來的幾分鐘內都會有顯著的反轉情況發生。另外若收盤時期貨價格出現高(低)估的錯價情況,則次一交易日的期貨價格會有顯著的下跌(上揚),而價格下跌(上漲)的幅度與前一日期貨收盤時被高(低)估的程度有顯著相關。若再拉長觀察時間,則會發現若前一日期貨有被高(低)估的情況,那麼指數的趨勢將由上漲(下跌)轉為下跌(上揚)或盤整。本文進一步利用收盤錯價的資訊,以錯價發生當日被高估(低估)的期貨作為贏家(輸家)來檢視期貨間相對價格的預測力,結果發現三種指數期貨兩兩之間都出現了顯著的反轉效應。此應證了本文的推論,收盤錯價現象具有資訊內涵,它對現貨收盤後的幾分鐘內之期貨走勢或隔日的期貨報酬或是後續的價格趨勢變化都具有預測力,妥善利用這種現象,就可以提升對未來期貨報酬的預測力。 本文的研究結果,對期貨的訂價提供了一個新的思維,也就是說在進行期貨訂價或報酬波動的研究時,須將之前期貨於現貨收盤時的訂價偏誤情況考慮進來。對一般市場投資人與價差交易者,本文也提供了一種預測期貨未來走勢的簡易方式。另外從結果中也顯示我國股價指數期貨被低估的機會遠高於被高估的機會,顯然主管機關在政策或法規的修改上,應該對現股放空的限制更加鬆綁,朝放空與做多兩者能均衡發展,維持健康的平衡為目標。


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