

中山管理評論  2018/12

第26卷第4期 我國產業個案專刊  p.691-718

DOI: 10.6160/SYSMR.201812_26(4).0005

Jia Chen Dental Co., Ltd. How to Sell Digital Intraoral Scanner to Dentist?
(141_M5c21e1faeac6f_Full.pdf 1,751KB)

Ta-Yu Fu/

Department of Business Administration, Ming Chuan University







Denture making by conventional dental clinics involves impression and cast making, which is a time-consuming process that emits odors and frequently results in errors. International dental digital technology development has reached maturity, and digital intra-oral scanners with the advantages of speediness and accuracy have been commercially available in the Taiwan for more than ten years. This being said, why do physicians in Taiwan seldom use them? This teaching case describes the entry of digital intra-oral scanners into the market by distributor Jia Chen Dental Instrument Co., Ltd, transitioning from an innovative product not accepted in the market to the development of a unique and innovative subscription fee model, thus establishing its own place in the market. The teaching case employed the viewpoint of the service innovation framework, which served as the axis of the teaching discussion. Through innovative technology, service concept, customer, and transmission system dimensions and interrelatedness, students were guided to discuss how to resolve users’ innovation resistance and gain an insight into the content of the subscriber model. This teaching case may be provided for use in medical management, innovation management, entrepreneurship management, and service management courses, and extended discussions on business model related issues may also be conducted.



Service Innovation, Innovation Resistance, Subscription Model, Digital Intraoral Scanner


本個案教學引導討論從個案公司從發現商機、引進創新產品,卻不被市場接受,透過獨特創新訂戶制付費模式化解顧客抗拒的過程,提供相關管理意涵: 1. 創新服務應以顧客需求為中心:使用者採用創新需投入金錢和時間成本,並且改變既有的工作模式和習慣,具有相當的風險,因此會有抗拒心態。本個案引導學生討論從個案在市場上受挫後,從使用者回饋出發,提出有助於化解疑慮或障礙的作法,進一步化解使用者對於創新產品的疑慮,並設計適切的服務模式與行銷策略。 2. 訂戶制模式創造顧客價值:訂戶制模式需找到顧客的核心價值,將新產品的所有權變成使用權,將會員制嵌入至商業模式中,轉化為顧客定期提供的服務內涵、附加價值、品質感受、便利性,以解決顧客的痛點。服務提供者設計規劃服務內部的組織型態,建構專業能力,讓服務得以傳達,創造顧客的價值。 3. 聚焦目標顧客:企業經營是一種創造價值的過程,由於資源有限,必須設定優先順序,將資源聚焦在目標顧客上。在規劃行銷策略時,首先將市場依據區隔變數將市場切成幾個區塊,在評估後選定市場及目標客戶進入,並打造自己具有競爭優勢的形象。 4. 創新的擴散:使用者採用創新觀念或產品,會經歷:認知、說服、決策、施行、確認等階段。了解使用者對創新科技所感受到的相對利益、相容性、複雜性、可試用性、被觀察程度,有助於找到創新產品的創新者、早期採用者,加速擴大市場。 5. 掌握數據創造競爭優勢:建構雲端系統掌握數據,透過協同設計服務,豐富了顧客參與了假牙設計、生產的過程,讓顧客成為價值創造體系成員。完整資料履歷有助於醫生、患者、牙技師追溯查詢,達成品質確認與保證,成為競爭者的進入障礙,也帶來更多新服務的機會。雲端履歷平台的投資,成為策略上的隱形資產,為企業帶來降低成本、提高差異化以及改變競爭範疇的競爭優勢。


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