

中山管理評論  2017/6

第25卷第2期  p.489-534


Examining the Advertising Effects of Product Placement Strategies and Gaming Platforms from the Selective Attention Perspective
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Shu-Lu Hsu, Her-Sen Doong, Chi-Feng Tai, Yung-Cheng Jhan/

Department of Management Information Systems, National Chiayi University; Department of Management Information Systems, National Chiayi University; Department of Management Information Systems, National Chiayi University; Department of Management Informat







Due to goal-oriented attention and vunerability to environmental disturbances, mobile game players exhibit different advertising effects to prominence product placement design. Thus, this research drew on the theory of attentional control and the theory of attentional load to study game player’s selective attentional behaviors by examining the advertising effects of product placement strategies and gaming platform. This study adopted three-factors experimental design, and the treatments were manipulated through a customized card game. The analysis showed that both product placement strategies and gaming platform had significant impacts on brand recall. Yet, only gaming platform significantly affected attitude toward product placement. This study also found that both attitude toward product placement and brand recall positively influenced brand attitude. These findings corroberated our conjections that, in the digital game with low perceptual load and high cognitive load, (1) prominent product placement produces higher brand recall, (2) product placement produces inferior brand recall in mobile games than in computer games, and (3) product placement produces superior attitude toward product placement and brand attitude in mobile games than in computer games.



Product Placement, Selective Attention, Mechanisms of Attentional Control, Load Theory of Attention, Advertising Effect


產品置入已是普遍的行銷工具,過去已有不少研究探討電視節目與電影裡的產品置入方式與成效。然而,數位遊戲作為新興的置入平台,在置入設計上有許多不同考量:首先,玩家需在遊戲中主動搜尋任務目標及回應遊戲刺激,因此產品置入設計必須考量如何在特徵搜尋模式而非新奇偵測模式吸引玩家注意力。其次,即使玩家有特定搜尋目標,但當知覺負載不高時,置入訊息仍可經由自動處理機制獲得視覺注意力處理;相反的,在高認知負載的條件下,玩家可能無法有效控制注意力的選擇性,使得和遊戲任務無關的置入訊息仍可獲得注意力處理。因此,應當考慮置入的遊戲給玩家帶來的注意力負載(包含知覺負載及認知負載)程度,並針對特定負載條件下的選擇性注意力運作機制採取適當的置入設計。第三,遊戲的外界環境差異會有不同的注意力干擾,使得行動遊戲和電腦遊戲帶給玩家不同的知覺負載以及對置入訊息產生不同的注意力處理效果。第四,產品置入可能產生彼此獨立的記憶效果及態度效果,藉此對於置入的品牌態度可能產生不同影響。 本研究利用「注意力控制理論」和「注意力負載理論」探討產品置入型態(產品置入位置、置入訊息格式)以及不同遊戲平台(個人電腦 vs. 手機)在低認知負載和高知覺負載遊戲中的廣告效果(品牌回憶、產品置入態度、品牌態度)。實驗結果發現,上述三項因素對玩家的品牌回憶皆有顯著影響,但僅遊戲平台對產品置入態度有顯著影響;此外,產品置入態度與品牌回憶皆對品牌態度有正向影響,且產品置入態度的影響明顯高於品牌回憶。以下針對採低認知負載和高知覺負載設計的遊戲(如:廣告式遊戲),提出管理意涵: 1. 廠商可採取焦點區及動態圖像的設計,藉由突出的產品置入產生較佳的品牌回憶,進而增進玩家對置入產品的品牌態度。 2. 當廠商以追求品牌回憶為主要目的時,以電腦遊戲作為置入平台會較手機遊戲時有更好的效果;當廠商追求的是品牌態度效果時,以手機遊戲進行產品置入會較電腦遊戲時有更好的效果。


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