Department of Business Administration, National Central University; Department of Information Management, National Central University; Department of Business Administration, National Central University; Formosa Travel Service Ltd.; Department of Informati
台華旅行社黃總經營四十多年,提升公司業務締造佳績,然要支撐業務持續不斷成長,需有諸多菁英從旁協助。目前面臨到業務大將要離開,外面有優秀從業人才要拉攏到旗下,到底有哪些方式是可以讓這些從業優秀人才願意繼續或者是轉投在黃總公司中服務。黃總面臨嚴峻考驗,往後幾年競爭優勢是否持續的重點,到底黃總跟這些人才間要如何達成共識。 個案討論透過高階管理者的角度,如何穩定公司業務及讓公司業務持續成長,由聚焦增加服務廣度來創造營業收入轉向為「穩定公司內部優秀人才與吸引外部業務人才」的激勵與招攬。藉由個案,學生可以對於骨幹人才對於公司的影響及資產管理有更深的了解及認識。本個案的主題包含 (1) 激勵;(2) 員工獎酬;(3) 資產分割。
Formosa Travel Service Ltd. has operating by GM Huang's painstaking efforts more than 40 years, although the company continued to enhance the business to create success. GM Huang faces the employees will leave, and see outside the outstanding practitioners want to draw to its own. In the end, what are the ways to make these talents are willing to continue to work or move on to the GM Huang's company? GM Huang is now facing a very severe test, is also the future focus of Formosa Travel Service LTD. whether the sustainable competitive advantage over the next few years. In the end, what exactly is the consensus between the general manager and these talents? Case discussion Through the high-level managers point of view, how to stabilize the company's business and let the company's business continue to grow. By focusing on increasing the breadth of services to create business revenue, and turn to "stabilize the company's internal talent and attract external business talent" encouragement and solicitation. Through the case study, students can have a better understanding of the impact of key personnel on the company and asset management. The subjects of this case include (1) Motivation; (2) Employee Rewards; (3) Spin-Offs.
(132_M5a21089b31ac8_Abs.pdf(檔案不存在))Motivation, Employee Rewards, Spin-Offs
人才乃是企業營運之根本,人力資源課程中常探討到的人才管理五流程選、育、用、晉、留,每一個流程環環相扣,而最後的留,卻是在執行上較為困難且較無準則的部分。企業的成長是由小到大逐漸發展,隨著企業規模逐漸擴張,需要更多的資源投入來滿足企業發展之需求,而人才就是企業所需資源中很重要的一環。當企業逐漸發展,需要更多有能力的人才加入營運團隊之中,在企業成長的過程中,最困擾企業主的部分是如何留住,隨著企業成長過程中表現優異的員工。過去許多個案討論標的是透過財務的計算來留才,鮮少再往前一步討論:企業在抉擇要進行留才有哪些方案可進行。故本個案討論的重點是在當個案的企業主,發生的幾起真實案例彙整後,開始著手規劃如何吸引與留住人才的方案,在其中除了人才角度探討外,也透過原始股東的角度,探討企業管理者的心態調整與轉換。 個案公司資本額雖然只有壹仟捌佰萬,但擁有三個辦公室的不動產,資產早已超越近資本額的八倍,如果員工入股,持股比例必定微小,無法吸引員工入股意願。因此,藉由資產分割成立子公司,將不動產以外的旅遊相關營運或事業部門全數分割出去而由獨立的子公司概括承受,而新公司資本額捌佰萬即可設立完成,配合員工參與計劃,協助員工成為新公司股東。 本個案對於管理的意涵在於,個案企業由於資本與資產不對等的狀況下,有哪些方案可讓企業主實現留住人才與吸引人才,本個案非討論財務議題,而是著重於決策前的考量與分析,讓學習者揣摩管理者的角度思考,在經營多年後,隨著營運逐漸上軌道,而取得更多的資產後,讓市值已經是資本額的八倍以上,在這樣龐大的市值下,要如何引進外部經營所需的人才,此外,要願意將經營多年累積的成果與其他人分享,這是需要多大的心胸才可克服。
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