

中山管理評論  2012/3

第20卷第1期 我國產業個案專刊  p.177-193

Actima Technology Corporation- Internal Control of Credit Sale and Procedures
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Chin-Yuan Lin、Wang-Ching Chuang、So-De Shyu/

Department of Finance, National Sun Yat-sen University , Department of Marketing and Distribution Management, Taoyuan Innovation Institute of Technology , Banking and Finance, Takming University of Science and Technology


Actima 科技公司成立於 1997 年,主要產品是光碟機與數位多功能光碟 機,前㆔年獲利不平穩,到了第㆕年㈲所好轉,公司計畫申請股票㆖市掛牌。 歐洲方面營收不斷增加,主要經綃商 Kamos 功不可沒,進而,要求公司放寬 信用額度與收帳期限,為了維繫與客戶良好關係及公司需要擴大業績考量,遂 同意放寬帳款信用條件。然而,就在此時,母公司㈶務出現危機,公司管理階 層㈲所調整,原總經理與業務部主管先後離職,沒多久就發生 Kamos 應收款 逾期,導因於前業務主管竟為了讓第㆔方 Tisa 公司進入歐倉驗貨,重覆開立 銷貨憑證,㆒份給 Kamos,另㆒份給 Tisa。Tisa 依 Actima 原銷貨憑證㈮額外 加每單位 0.2 美元的驗貨費轉開發票給 Kamos,致使債權與債務之間關係淆混 不明,眼見 460 萬美元的貨款即將變成呆帳。

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Actima Tech Co. has been established since 1997, their main products were CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, and its sales revenue had remained unstable the first three years until the fourth year came. Actima Co. would be going to be listed on the stock market in Taiwan as scheduled. The prime dealer of Actima in Europe, Kamos, has much contributed to the fact that revenue was persistently increasing. Consequently, Kamos demanded Actima to extend credit line and credit period for changing sales terms. After deep consideration based upon relationship maintenance and financial performance, Actima accepted the demand that they would extend the credit term of accounts receivable. In the meantime, financial crisis fell on parent company of Actima, resulted in the necessity of adjusting staff of management hierarchy, CEO and sales manager resigned orderly, shortly after their resignation accounts of Kamos was overdue. The previous sales manager duplicated issuing sales invoices to Kamos Co. and Tisa Co., respectively. The principal reason of doing that was to let staff of Tisa Co. smoothly enter into Europeans warehouse, which is the place Actima has delivered goods to, doing their job to inspect goods from Actima. And then Tisa issued sales invoice to Kamos, the amount of which was the amount of sales invoice from Actima plus $0.2 per piece of inspection fee. The complicated connection of accounts receivable ended up with confusing relationship of creditor and debtor, as a result, Actima could have rare odds of getting $4.6 million back from sales to Europe.

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Credit Line, Credit Period, Sales Invoice, Inspection Fee, Bad Debt


個案廠商已經於西元2009年清算完畢,個案焦點不是為了針砭個案廠商經營不善的問題,本個案除了討論市場面、財務狀況與公司制度面,科技廠商如何因應之一般性的議題外,個案主要重點是探討公司的應收帳款信用政策與內部控制機制,無論過去、現在與未來,這兩個議題都是台灣廠商重要的經營議題。個案討論議題包括公司所面臨的市場、財務與制度問題、可能改善措施、放寬信用條件與期間、降低應收帳款風險的方法、舞弊產生與內部控制的討論等,議題順序有其目的性,前兩題主要目的是為了讓個案學員暖場,將個案相關重點大致討論溫習一遍;後面三題進入本個案討論重點。 台灣廠商主要以出口為主,在市場上,產品往往不是市場領導者,經常必須與競爭者,除了價格以外的條件讓步,作為交易的籌碼,應收帳款的信用條件常常被當作交易談判籌碼之一。台灣廠商與先進國家作生意,除了毛利低外,尚必須忍受收帳期間長的困擾,本個案就以此議題作為討論重點之一,並進一步討論廠商可以透過那些方法降低應收帳款風險。再者,台灣業者大多數不太重視內部控制,必須花錢投資,或因家族企業關係,意願不大。 本個案議題提供了以下相關的管理意涵: 1. 科技公司經常是以透過上市上櫃取得資金,以因應科技產品市場的快速變化,然而,在申請上市上櫃之前,公司必須要有良好的獲利與營收,台灣廠商往往因規模不夠大,無法掌握關鍵的技術,營收獲利受到牽制。本個案所面臨的DVD關鍵零組件是如此,現今台灣面板廠與DRAM亦是如此,如何突圍是台灣科技廠商一大經營議題。 2. 台灣廠商出口產品毛利大多不高,卻經常被要求放帳期間要長,台灣廠商產能需求必須配合國際大廠,然而,景氣衰退,國內廠商就面臨抽單。在台灣這種情形履見不鮮,放寬多少的銷貨信用才是合理,本個案提供討論的空間。 3. 本個案針對內部控制機制與舞弊之間的關係作了一些連結,銷貨發票開立必須與財會單位會簽,否則容易產生弊端。
