Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2011/6
Vol. 19, No.2 p.225-277
Department of Money and Banking, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology , Department of Money and Banking, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology , Graduate Institute of Management, National Kaohsiung First Un
本文最主要目的為結合權衡理論與融㈾順位理論,探討㈾訊對稱條件㆘台 灣 50 ㈾本結構之決定因素。過去數㈩年來,融㈾順位理論以權衡理論研究㆗ 迴歸分析的結果解釋力不高,質疑靜態權衡理論之正確性與最㊜㈾本結構之存 在性,但㈽業融㈾決策似乎也與融㈾順位理論所述不合。因此,本文基於現㈲ ㈾本結構理論提出㆒個涵蓋融合權衡理論與融㈾順位理論的簡約模型:訊號因 素假說。此模型解釋了公司融㈾決策在不同㈾訊不對稱程度㆘之運作情形,並 提供這兩個彼此競爭的理論互相合作及㆒起運行的機會。此假說同時合理化融 ㈾順位行為、最㊜㈾本結構以及目標㈾本結構之追求。 最後,並以線性結構方程式對 2003 年㉃ 2007 年台灣 50 ㆗ 37 家非㈮融產 業公司進行實証。首先,根據以往㈾本結構之文獻,將㈾本結構決定因素分為 實質因素及訊號因素,其㆗實質因素包含獲利能力;訊號因素包括成長性、公 司規模及產業別。理論與實証之結果證明:實質因素也就是獲利能力為台灣 50 ㈾本結構最重要之決定因素。
(634491983270625000.pdf 125KB)資本結構、權衡理論、融資順位理論、訊號因素假說、線性結構方程式
This paper aims to enable a better understanding of the determinants of capital structure in Taiwan 50 under the information symmetry condition by using a combination of trade-off and pecking order theories. Pecking order theory has previously demonstrated the failure of trade-off theory in capturing the optimal capital structure within the context of regression methodology. However, financing decisions seem to violate the central prediction of the pecking order model regarding financing behavior. Based on the capital structure theories, a comprehensive theoretical and parsimony model called the signal factor hypothesis model, which combines the trade-off and pecking order theories, is hereby proposed. In the signal factor hypothesis model, firms identify target leverage by weighing the benefits between additional dollar of debt and equity. The signal factor hypothesis serves as an opportunity to combine the two competing models. This paper provides evidence of how asymmetric information conditions affect capital structure choice. It also rationalizes other aspects of corporate borrowing behavior, for example the pecking order, optimal capital structure, and adjustment of capital structure toward target. An empirical study is tested by using the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique in the 37 nonfinancial industries of Taiwan 50 from 2003 to 2007. In the first stage, in accordance with the literature review of the capital structure, we identified four determinants and then divided these into two categories: “real factors,” including profitability, and “signal factors,” including growth, firm size, and industry. With the capital structure measured by the book ratio of total debt to market total asset, our results show that the profitability of real factors is the most dominant determinant of capital structure choice in Taiwan 50.
(634491983270625000.pdf 125KB)Capital Structure, Trade-Off Theory, Pecking Order Theory, Signal Factor Hypothesis, Structural Equation Modeling
長久以來,資本結構理論探討研究企業融資的各項財務決策行為,試圖為企業融資活動提供其理論基礎與重要參考依據。資本結構在財務管理上對提昇公司價值扮演重要角色,因此,探索資本結構決定因素成為公司財務經理最重要之課題。 綜觀國內研究,主要仍是以本國企業不同產業別為研究對象,而針對台灣50之資本結構加以探討者,目前相關文獻並不多見。名列台灣50企業所代表的涵義為台灣市值最高,資訊透明度佳,公司治理良好之台灣代表性企業。研究台灣50之資本結構,一方面可更深入瞭解台灣優良大型企業之財務決策行為;另一方面此研究結果可供其他企業參考。 本文就是在這樣的背景下,研究台灣50非金融產業之資本結構,將其資本結構決定因素分為四大構面:獲利能力、成長性、公司規模與產業別。本文運用結構方程模型進行實證,延伸 Titman & Wessels (1988)、朱博湧等 (1992)、周賢榮等 (2008) 與 Chang et al. (2009) 之研究,從台灣50 中找出我國代表性上市公司資本結構決定因素,以結構方程模式詳細說明資本結構決定因素如何影響資本結構過程,這過程可稱之為「資本結構政策的傳遞過程」。 本文發現,在以 pooled data 整體資料分析後,只有獲利能力對台灣50資本結構有顯著負向影響,顯示台灣50大型企業財務經理人之財務決策只受公司獲利能力所影響。此因獲利能力高,則保留盈餘高,因此有較多的自由現金流量,較多的誘因去降低負債比。再者,因為台灣50資訊透明度高,當出現高獲利時,會更吸引投資人有足夠之信心投資台灣50之股票,也因而降低財務槓桿。而且台灣50公司治理較佳,股東與銀行並不用擔心由於資訊的不對稱而有逆選擇問題,而造成股東與銀行處於資訊劣勢的一方,緩和了權益與負債代理問題,所以資本結構決定因素更加單純化。同時,其資本結構並未受到產業別影響,電子業與非電子業之資本結構並無顯著之差別,顯示台灣50之財務結構同質性非常高。由此實證結果可知,台灣50等資訊不對稱程度較低之公司只須看獲利能力的高低即可制定其資本結構。