Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2010/3

Vol. 18, No.1  p.143-175

The Impacts of Households’ Savings or Borrowings on Financial Satisfaction-Cross National Comparisons
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Min-Hua Kuo、Jenny Hsu/

Department of Finance, Shih Hsin University , Risk Management Division, Jih Sun Financial Holding Co., Ltd.


㈶務滿意度是㆒種主觀感受,其影響因素除所得高低外,家計㆗儲蓄與借 貸的理㈶取向影響尤巨。家計理㈶㆒般包括㆕種狀況:擁㈲儲蓄、收支相抵、 入不敷出而以過去儲蓄支應,以及借貸。本研究針對歐亞美非㆕洲㈤國(德、 挪、台、美及南非)進行跨國性分析,觀察在不同的文化㈳會㆗,家計理㈶取 向對於㈶務滿意度是否具㈲㆒致性影響。實證主要結果顯示,儲蓄對於㈶務滿 意度具㈲正向貢獻,借貸則反之;如家計㈶務屬於㈲儲蓄者,其㈶務滿意度顯 著高於其他㆔種狀況。低所得與借貸之負向影響孰大孰小,各國間並不㆒致; 但是擁㈲儲蓄對於㈶務滿意度的正向貢獻則明顯大於高所得,且各國皆然。簡 言之,能否審慎理㈶,乃是影響民眾㈶務滿意度最重要的因素。

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The financial satisfaction is subject to the financial orientation in household, which includes four types: savings, break-even, insufficient income and using savings, or borrowing. To analyze the impacts of household financial orientation on financial satisfaction cross cultures, we choose five countries with different attributes, the USA, German, Norway, and South Africa, in addition to Taiwan. The main findings are that the financial satisfactions of those having savings are higher than the other three types. “Saving” makes positive contribution to financial satisfaction while “borrowing” generates negative impacts. Furthermore, when we compare the positive impacts of high income with savings, and the negative impacts of low income with borrowings, we find that the contribution to satisfaction of savings is higher than that of high income. It lacks consistence between the negative impacts of low income and borrowing. Our findings imply that financial planning and disciplines are very important in raising the subjective financial satisfaction.

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Financial satisfactions, financial orientation, savings and borrowings

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

傳統經濟學與財務學向以理性與客觀數據為尚,對於民眾的主觀滿意度較不重視,但是自從行為經濟學與行為財務學快速興起以來,民眾的主觀感受開始受到越來越多的注意,財務滿意度即為測量生活滿意度不容忽視的一大面向。 談到財務滿意度,一般最直覺的想法是:賺錢越多財務滿意度自然越高。但是本文針對台、美、德、挪、南非做了跨文化研究,結果顯示,所得固是決定財務滿意度的重要因素,家計理財取向尤其關鍵,其影響力甚至高過所得。一般而言,家計理財取向不外四種狀況:儲蓄、收支相抵、以過去儲蓄支應,以及借貸。本研究的實證結果顯示,在控制了包括所得在內的多項變數後,家計理財取向對於財務滿意度仍具有重要影響,特別是儲蓄的正向影響程度甚且大於高所得。借貸和低所得則雙雙呈現負面衝擊。 此一發現具有很重要的政策意涵: 對個人而言,應致力於消費與理財規畫,儘量不借貸。 對政府而言,除努力建設經濟、提高國民所得外,應提倡量入為出之節儉美德,幫助民眾養成正確的消費觀與理財觀。 對廠商而言,若能力行退休金提撥制度,幫助員工強制儲蓄,應有助於提升員工的滿足感;就某些情況來說,其效果甚或優於加薪。 對學術界而言,應更多戮力於個人理財觀念的教導。以目前的財務金融系所而言,其課程仍以現代財務理論和公司理財為主,有些具有財金背景、甚或MBA學歷的年輕人,學了很多財務和投資理論,卻未必擁有正確的理財觀,憾甚。 簡而言之,本研究的實證發現,不論是對產官學界或是對個人,都具有很重要的啟發:儲蓄的重要性不亞於賺錢。
