Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

  Journal Fullview

Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2010/3

Vol. 18, No.1  p.101-142

Corporate Ownership Structure and Foreign Ownership
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Mei-Feng Lin、Jia-Wen Liang、Chen-Lung Chin/

Department of Accounting, National Changhua University of Education , Department of Accounting, National Chengchi University , Department of Accounting, National Chengchi University


相對於國內機構投㈾者與散戶而言,外㈾在我國㈾本市場扮演了相當重要 的角色。然而國內控制股東的㈹理問題嚴重,本研究的主要目的,即由控制股 東的投票權與現㈮流量權的偏離程度、控制股東成員掌控的董㈼席次、與董㈼ 股票質押比率㆔個方面,探討公司股權結構與外㈾持股比例的關聯性。研究結 果顯示,當控制股東的投票權與現㈮流量權的偏離愈大、或控制股東成員掌控 愈多的董㈼席次,或董㈼事股票質押比率愈高時,將使得控制股東的㈹理問題 愈為嚴重,因此,外㈾的投㈾意願較低,其持股比率也較低。然而,外㈾持股 可能存在選樣偏誤的現象,同時,公司股權結構㈲可能是㆒個內生變數。因此, 本文分別使用 Heckman 的方法,以及兩階段迴歸,克服可能的潛在計量問題; 實證結果發現,本文的推論並未受到影響。同時本文也使用不同的外㈾持股替 ㈹變數,結果也相當穩健。

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In contrast to the domestic institutional and individual investors, foreign investors play a rather important role in Taiwan’s capital market. As the concentration of corporate ownership has created agency conflicts between controlling owners and minority shareholders in Taiwan, the primary purpose of this paper is to explore the association between foreign investment ownership and ownership structure, as measured by the divergence between the ultimate controlling owner’s voting rights and cash flow rights, the percentage of board members affiliated with the controlling owners, and the extent of shares collateralized by the board of directors. Our empirical results show that foreign investors hold fewer shares for firm with higher control divergence. Second, foreign investment ownership is negatively related to the percentage of controlling owner’s seats on the board, as predicted. Third, we find that foreign institutional investors hold fewer shares on firms with a greater extent of shares collateralized by the board of directors. The results are robust to the alternative model specifications, including Heckman selection and simultaneous models. Our results remain qualitatively unchanged using alternative proxy for foreign investment ownership.

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Ultimate controlling owners, foreign investment ownership, collateralized shares

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

本文主要在探討控制股東股權結構與外資持股之關連性,研究發現台灣的三種常見的控制股東問題:股權偏離、董監事內化以及董監質押比率高,都會降低外資的持股比率。同時也發現,外資持股比率高的公司,可以降低前述三種控制股東的代理問題,改善公司治理。因此,本文具有下列之政策與管理意涵: 就管制者而言,政府近年來為了促使資本市場的國際化與自由化,積極的開放外資投資限制,另一方面也為了健全資本市場,降低資訊不對稱所引起的問題,致力於推動各項公司治理機制。本研究之結果恰可驗證了管制者的政策實施方向是正確的,外資政策與公司治理具有相輔相成之效果。 明星分析師林群 (2003) 在其書中提到,外資對於公司治理相當重視,如果經營團隊或公司的經營策略受到質疑,或是財報複雜或透明度低的公司,外資通常不會去碰。而本研究的實證也發現,當公司的控制股東代理問題愈大時,外資持股比率低。由於外資持股常具有指標性意義,一旦外資調降其持股比率時,對於股價會造成不少的衝擊。因此,就公司而言,要吸引外資的目光,即應先加強其內部的公司治理機制,降低控制股東所引起的負面觀感。 最後就個別投資者而言,一般散戶投資者,由於持股較少,資源和能力有限,因此投資選股時,常以外資法人買賣的股票種類和金額為指標,然而要怎樣跟上外資的腳步,並從中獲利,還是得先瞭解外資選股的策略。本文讓投資者知道,外資除了重視基本面之外,亦相當重視公司治理制度。
