Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  1994/6
Vol. 2, No.2 p.97-116
Institute of Human Resource Management National Sun Yat-sen University、Institute of Business Management National Sun Yat-sen University、City Bank
本研究探討在產業結構轉變之趨勢下,服務業興起逐漸成為國民就業主要部門,且傳統製造業則面臨技術升級時,主要影響製造業員工離職意願與產業間離職動向之產業特性因素為何?以及個人工作價值觀對離職因素之影響為何?特針對國內2000大製造業員工,共發出1560份問卷,根據回收的有效問卷336份做分析,研究結果發現: 1. 製造業員工離職意願之最佳預測變項組合包括:第一,「與其他製造業工作環境比較」之「個人發展與薪資福利」、「公司未來發展性」、「壓力與工作場所舒適」「上司重視程度」等之知覺程度;第二,員工「地位與升遷」「生活意義與快樂」之工作價值觀;以及第三,對服務業在「個人發展性較高」,「服務業未來發展性較高」,「薪資報酬較高」「較能發揮專長」之知覺等10個變項。其共同解釋變異量達39.27%,其中以「與其他製造業工作環境比較」之「個人發展與薪資福利」之解釋預測能力最強。 2. 在區別分析中,不論是理想或有能力之離職動向,「服務業較能發揮個人專長」皆對服務業的選擇有重大之正面影響。而對高科技製造業與原來相同製造業則有負面之影響。 3. 製造業員工對技術升級中正面的「提升能力與改善環境知覺」,「 工作保障與升遷知覺」,對其離職意願有顯著遏止影響,並且對離職往高科技製造業有較大之區別力。
(633621945467500000.pdf 46KB)工作價值觀、離職意願、離職動向。
Service industry has become one of the major sectors of labor market with the changing of industrial structure. In this paper, we have examined the effects among those factors, work value, work environment comparative to other manufacturing firms, perception of technology-upgraded, and work environment comparative to service industry, on intention and direction to quit from the employees in manufacturing industries. According to the empirical result, this research finds that the predicated model for intention to quit on one hand, on the other hand the varable of the skill-applicability has strong explanation for the direction to quit. At last, there is positive relationship between the perception of the technology-upgraded and intention to quit in manufacturing firms.
(633621945467500000.pdf 46KB)Work Value, Intention to Quit, Direction to Quit.