Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  1995/3

Vol. 3, No.1  p.80-107

The Effects of Reference Price on Consumer Behavior
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Chung-Chau Chang, Li-Wen Kao/

Department of Business Administration National Taiwan University, International Commercial Bank of China


本研究探討零售商所標示外部參考價格之合理性、促銷價之折扣幅度以及消費者對促銷之既有態度對消費者內部參考價格標準、節省知覺、知覺的搜尋利益以及對促銷所知覺的可信度的影響。研究採3X2X2 實驗設計,以運動鞋為研究產品,消費者「對產品價格之熟悉度」為干擾變項,結果發現:(1)「誇大參考價」對消費者之內部價格標準之移動、節省知覺以及知覺的搜尋利益的影響效果,一般而言,優於「合理低參考價」,且當「折扣幅度」較大時,對消費者最低價格標準之移動及知覺搜尋利益之影響效果甚且高於「合理高參考價」;(2) 高折扣幅度會產生較高的消費者節省知覺及知覺的搜尋利益,但不影響其「對促銷所知覺的可信度」;(3) 消費者「對促銷之既有態度」及「對產品價格的熟悉度」只對消費者「對促銷所知覺的可信度」造成影響,對消費者內部價格標準、節省知覺及知覺的搜尋利益則未有顯著影響。

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This research is directed to examine whether the retailer’s plausibility of external reference price, the amount of discounts, and the consumers’ existing attitude toward retailer’s sales promotion affect the consumers’ internal price standards, perceived saving, search benefit and believability of sales promotion, The major findings of this experiment include:(l)The overexaggerated reference price has more positive effects on changes in consumers’ internal reference price standards than applausible and low reference price, and even results in more positive effects than applausible and high reference price as to consumers’ perceived lowest price standard and perceived search benefit. (2) The larger amount of discout gives rise to larger perceived search benefit, but has no significant impact on consumers’ perceived believability of sales promotion.(3)Both consumers’ existing attitude toward sales promotion and price familiarity affect perceived believability of sales promotion, but do not significantly influence consumers’ internal price standards, perceived saving, and search benefit.

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Reference Price, Amount of Discounts, Plausibility of Reference Price, Sales Promotion, Perceived Saving

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)
