

中山管理評論  2019/6

第27卷第2期  p.419-450

DOI: 10.6160/SYSMR.201906_27(2).0005

The Effect of Webpage Closure on Consumer Regret and Decision-Making Satisfaction
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I-Ling Ling, Chih-Hui Shieh, Kai-Neng Zhou/

Center for General Education, Kaohsiung Medical University; Department of Marketing and Distribution Management, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology; Department of Marketing and Tourism Management, National Chiayi University







The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of webpage closure on regret, decision-making confidence and decision-making satisfaction. The concept of webpage closure is based on choice closure. Two experiments showed that the action of webpage closure reduces post-purchase regret. The results also indicate that message overload moderates the effect of webpage closure on regret and decision-making satisfaction. Under low message overload, the action of webpage closure increases consumer decision-making satisfaction; on the other hand, under high message overload, the action of webpage closure decreases their decision-making satisfaction. Furthermore, the effect of webpage closure on decision-making satisfaction is multiple mediated by regret and decision-making confidence. These findings suggest that a simple action can improve satisfaction with a difficult decision.



Webpage Closure, Regret, Decision-making Confidence, Decision-making Satisfaction, Message Overload


本研究引用心理閉合理論,透過二個網路購物的實驗,驗證了執行視窗關閉動作可視為是選擇結束的暗號,作為抑制消費者重新回頭考慮自己的決策,可減低後悔程度、提升選擇的滿意度。結論可供網路零售商適時運用選擇終止機制以擬定行銷策略,期待降低消費者後悔程度、有效降低退換貨比例。同時,研究結果也發現產品訊息承載量對視窗關閉動作與決策品質之間具有干擾效果,消費者面對較低的產品訊息時,執行視窗關閉動作可降低經歷選擇終止可能性的後悔,然而高訊息承載下的認知負荷能力下降,執行視窗關閉動作未必有助於降低的後悔感和提升較高的選擇滿意度。 進一步的實驗則證明系列的心理閉合流程。藉由執行視窗關閉動作促發選擇終止機制,後悔程度便會降低;而當消費者後悔程度降低,便可促進其決策信心,隨之的決策信心增強、購後的選擇滿意度提高。因此除了執行視窗關閉動作,直接帶動購後的選擇滿意度,另一路徑是後悔程度下降、決策信心上升、選擇滿意提高之連續中介的間接效果。從以上結果觀之,視窗關閉動作與相關決策品質因素存在直接與間接的關聯效果,也證實視窗關閉動作會藉由後悔程度與決策信心之中介,進而影響選擇滿意度效果。 就管理觀點而言,選擇終止的建構有助於銷售活動完成後,消費者後悔程度降低,對自己的決策有自信,購後選擇滿意度隨之提高。本研究建議進行線上購物時,購物網站可以設計類似「溫馨提醒小天使」,善意提醒購買者點擊關掉選項,有助於降低後悔感,提高決定選項的滿意度。在實體通路運用時,消費者進行多選項抉擇時,也可能同一時間難以抉擇,銷售人員便可建議消費者執行一個與關閉有關的實際動作,以促進完成該銷售過程。例如將消費者喜歡的品項移到另一個陳列處,或者將多餘品項蓋上等。也就是當抉擇困難度無法減緩時,簡單關閉動作應可協助消費者進行主觀評價的決策。從管理意涵而言,也可幫助廠商瞭解到消費者對選擇的兩難,研究結果企盼有助於企業對目標消費族群之溝通與訴求。


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