Department of International Business Studies, National Chi Nan University; Department of Christian Liberal Arts, English Major, Christ’s College
(125_M57e20712011cb_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))幾米、墨色國際、文創產業、品牌塑造、商業模式
Jimmy S. P. A. Co., Ltd. (Jimmy S. P. A.) was founded with the passion and expertise to commercialize the prominent Taiwanese author-illustrator Jimmy Fu-Pin Liao’s works and aim to manage the brand “JimmySPA” into international markets. Jimmy Liao’s works have profoundly contagious characteristics and their own philosophic points of views. Holding an idealistic attitude and focusing on brand building, Jimmy S. P. A. has been looking for quality and unique licensees from the outset and has allied with business partners from different industries each at one time accordingly. Through licensing of crossover marketing and advertising, and multimedia transformation such as music album, stage plays and movies, Jimmy S. P. A. has strengthen the brand “JimmySPA” in a short period of time. In addition, the attraction of Jimmy Liao’s books comes from both image and storyline so that many of Jimmy Liao’s fans have the tendency of purchasing merchandises related to one theme or book. In the beginning of 2002, the president and general manager Yusan Lee received two proposals on merchandise licensing simultaneously, one is from a Taiwanese high-tech bed-clothing manufacturer whereas the other is from a toy-figure design firm in Hong Kong. Should Yusan turn left or right, to license or not to license exclusively, for this ever first business on merchandise licensing on the way to brand building of “JimmySPA”?
(125_M57e20712011cb_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))Jimmy, Jimmy S. P. A., Cultural and creative industry, Brand building, Business model
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