

中山管理評論  2012/3

第20卷第1期  p.403-422

Dream of Rinascimento: The entrepreneurship of a small coffee shop
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Chih-Yen Tai、Pei-How Huang、Tsuang Kuo/

Department of Business Management, National Sun Yat-Sen University


本文描述微型咖啡店創業者所面對的管理問題。咖啡店為台灣微型創業者 最常選擇的業種之㆒,除了加盟連鎖體系之外,獨立開店模式是微型創業者常 選擇的創業方式。許多微型創業者認為在產品、店面、整體服務㆖創造出差異 化㈵質,可以吸引咖啡與甜點的愛好者成為該店的長期顧客,成為創業成功的 基礎,但卻往往因為缺乏管理能力而面臨創業失敗的結局。 本個案所描述的現象與問題是大多數微型創業者所面臨到的問題,包含員 工管理、創業㈾本的籌措與配置、缺乏產品成本知識與組合的能力。這些問題 使得微型創業者面臨創業策略與經營活動未能相互搭配,缺乏明確的績效與管 理控制系統設計,導致創業面臨高度風險。本個案採用㆒個經營失敗的微型創 業者為對象,希望藉由該個案問題的描述,提供策略管理與創業管理課程㈻生 瞭解微型創業的風險以及可能導致失敗的管理議題。

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This paper describes many management challenges of a small coffee shop that micro-entrepreneurs frequently encountered during the course of business endeavors. In Taiwan, coffee shop is one of the most popular business forms for micro-entrepreneurs. Besides the franchising model, many micro-entrepreneurs choose to establish an independent shop due to their intention to create a differentiation strategy. In order to achieve differentiation in products, entrepreneurs adopt unique design of their own shop and services which can be easily recognized and distinguished form their counterparts, the franchising system. Micro-entrepreneurs assume that their efforts will increase customer royalty and create a successful foundation for their new business. Unfortunately, most of the new businesses failed due to the lack of management capacity to handle challenges of business developing process. Most phenomenon and problems that the micro-entrepreneurs faced in start-up stage of new business included staff management, venture capital management, lacks of knowledge to the new business and cost structure of products. All issues come from the micro-entrepreneurs incapable of matching strategy and operations well, also lead the new business to failure with the lack fit between management control system and performance evaluation of staff and capital investments. We provide many management issues and risk factors during the process of entrepreneurship for students in class of strategy management and entrepreneurship.

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Micro-Entrepreneurships, Risk Management, Management Control


微型創業與咖啡店是許多台灣創業者的優先選擇項目,個案主角的異業工作背景正與大部分台灣微型創業者的背景相符,因此我們認為此一個案具有普遍性的意義,反映出大多數台灣微型創業者所遭遇的問題與結果。本個案的重要性在於提供一個失敗的經營個案做策略管理與創業管理課程討論,使上課同學可以了解創業失敗的風險與可能的因應作法,而非在不同的資源組合與經營環境下,嘗試以他人的成功模式作為創業經營的主軸。 雖然一般人認為餐飲業技術層次不高,但在經營上因為進入門檻低且競爭相當激烈,各店之間的差異化程度不高,經營模式容易被他人模仿,所以創業成功的關鍵往往就在於創業者具有的餐飲知識以及管理專業知識。從本個案的營運過程而言,如果不制定標準生產作業或員工無法遵守作業標準,則微型創業的營運銷售必受影響,有時可能引發消費者久候不快,或被認為整體的服務或專業水準不夠,品牌形象大打折扣。微型創業者往往被認為並不需要建立標準制度,但由本個案的過程來看,小規模的微型創業依舊需要建立完整的流程標準與規範,如此才能跟人力訓練、成本計算、產品組合等活動相互結合,使創業規模能夠持續擴大,同時度過創業模式的死亡之谷。 創業者應該視本身有多少資源可以運用,做好資源規劃與執行工作,等創業階段的營運上了軌道,進入業務成長期之後,再考慮去尋求銀行借貸資金的支援,避免創業風險還沒確定時,負擔過多的營運現金的負擔。創業者必須思考並認清自己需要創立何種企業文化,根據自己所欲創立的企業規模,尋找合適的人才,給予適當的職務跟配給,並制定適當的獎懲制度,才能發揮企業所展現的專業能力。
