Sun Yat-Sen Management Review


❗NEW❗Updates of ’Sun Yat-sen Management Review’ Instructions for Manuscript Submission

(NEW!) Updates of 'Sun Yat-sen Management Review' Instructions for Manuscript Submission

1.      Starting from January, 2020, all new submissions will undergo originality checks through the Turnitin. The guideline is to maintain originality below 12%. If the similarity exceeds 12% but below 20%, we will contact the corresponding author to discuss the intention to proceed with the review. Upon revision, the submission can then undergo the review process again. If the similarity surpasses 20%, the submission will be handled as a rejection.

2.      Starting from March, 2021, if a submission has five or more than five authors, please specify the responsibilities and percentage of contribution of each author in the research when submitting the manuscript.

3.      Starting from August, 2021, any submissions with contributors and co-authors involved in plagiarism will be returned directly.

4.      Starting from May, 2023, please ensure that new submissions strictly adhere to the specified word count and page limits.

A.    For Chinese Manuscript, the length of submitted paper should be limited to 15,000 words, including abstract, aritcle and references, appendices, tables, and figures. Qualitative research is an exception, but please don't exceed too much.

B.     For English Manuscript, the length of submitted paper should be limited to 50 pages, including abstract, aritcle, references, appendices, tables, and figures, to be considered for publishing (except for qualitative research content).

5.      Starting from January, 2024, 'Sun Yat-sen Management Review' will impose submission fees and publication fees for new submissions.

Please use the online payment system on journal's website: Refer to the steps on the webpage for the payment process. After completing the online payment, kindly send the payment confirmation via email to

Please refer to the Instructions for Manuscript Submission. In the case of any different between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Last update time: 2024-01-03 15:31:44