

中山管理評論  1996/3

第4卷第1期  p.16-41

The Decision Model for Evaluation the Technology Export Alternatives in Taiwan- The Case of Automation Industry
(79_04012_Full.pdf 1,557KB)

Tai-Yue Wang, Yin-Chuan Chen/

Yin-Chuan Chen


隨著國內產業的不斷升級,擁有自行研發能力的廠商也越來越多,新的技街不斷創新,新的產品也不斷推出,但舊的技術卻常常直接淘汰,未加充分利用。對於追求利潤極大化的企業而言,十分可惜,應將研發技術的價值充分發揮,將技術層次較低、技術生命週期越於衰退的技街移轉輸出,利用技術移轉使產品生命週期在國際上得以延長,除了可回收剩餘價值外,更可從事海外投資使企業國際化。 本研究提出一評估技術輸出方案的方法,以自動化產業為研究範園,以技街面的考量為主軸,利用自動化技街項目的定義為分類依據,進而解決技術輸出的決策問題。其中包括:相關決策因素的認定及技術能力差距分析,採用特徵向受法萃取自動化技街相關專家的意見,並利用模糊理論將非數量化因素轉換可分析的數量化教值,最後利用多屬性決策分析法-TOPSIS 進行方案評估與排序。結果發現,此模式不僅能深入 暸解技術轉移雙方的技術能力,亦能夠充分反應欲移轉技術項目的特性,實是系統化的技術輸出方案評估方法。





As the domestic industries continuously upgrade their production technology and more manufacturers do the R&D by themselves, the technology is innovated and new products are rolling out. However, the outdated or old technologies are still not fully utilized or are directly disposed during the technology innovation. It is pathetic for under utilizing the technology before the life cycle of the technology is ended as the enterprises always pursue the maximum profits. So the lower level or outdated technologies can be transferred out to the countries where their industries still need them. And this transfer makes the product life cycle extending in the international market. Also, the companies can involve the international marketing affairs through this technology transfer. This research provides a methodology to evaluate the technology transfer alternatives for the automation industries. The methodology uses the technology phase as the decision surface, automation technology definition as the classification items to evaluate the transfer alternatives. The major contents include: factors analysis and technology capability difference analysis, expert opinions' extraction via eigen-vector method, and converting the qualitative factors into quantitative ones via fuzzy theory. Finally, Technique For Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is used to evaluate and order the alternatives. The results show that this model can explore the technology capabilities deeply for the transferors and receivers. Also, this methodology can fully reflect the characteristics of technology transfer items.



Technology Transfer, Automation, Fuzzy Multi-attribute Decision Making, TOPSIS Method

