

中山管理評論  2019/3

第27卷第1期  p.139-178


The Blind Spot of Performance-Related Pay Reform: An Institutional Logic Perspective
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Jingjing Weng, Ying-Che Hsieh/

College of Management, Yuan Ze University; Institute of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University







Performance-related pay (PRP) is a system that links pay to performance, aiming to motivate employees to improve their performance and therefore increase organizational competitiveness. Previous research on PRP for schoolteachers has usually focused on its impact on their motivation, while tending to neglect the influence of the institutional environment on the design of pay systems and implementation of reform. Taking a case study approach, this study analyzes the PRP system reform in two public junior high schools, exploring how different institutional logics embedded within the institutional environment of the schools impacted the PRP system design and reform implementation. This research illustrates the key phenomenon and underlying rationale behind the PRP reform in public schools in China, proposing that the conflicts between different institutional logics formed a blind spot in the reform which restricted the functional design of the PRP system and led to imperfections in the reform. In practice, our findings suggest that, before implementing pay system reform, it is critical to identify the demands of each institutional logic and analyze potential conflicts between them. When introducing a PRP system, it is important to leave a certain amount of flexibility in the choice of pay range in order to achieve the desired motivational impact.



Institutional Theory, Institutional Logic, Performance-related Pay, Teachers’ Pay


人力資源管理的發展過程中,績效薪資在公私部門都被廣泛的應用,並在激勵員工、提高工作產量方面得到了實證研究的肯定。在公部門推動績效薪資成為很多國家的政策趨勢,績效薪資改革在諸多公部門領域(包括教育,醫療等機構)也越來越普及。 本研究從制度邏輯的視角,分析公立學校推行績效薪資改革過程中,不同的制度邏輯與彼此間的關係,如何影響績效考核、薪資設計和推行過程。本研究指出,雖然公平的評估機制、有效的員工參與和組織內部溝通、適當的薪酬刺激等,都是推行有效的教師績效薪資的重要因素,但在實際薪資改革過程中,公立學校所處內外制度環境中不同制度邏輯間的衝突,會直接制約績效薪資的優化設計,形成改革的盲點,進而影響改革的效果。 在實務上,本研究建議在導入績效薪資改革前,需要了解組織制度環境中不同邏輯的訴求和彼此間的關聯,考量不同邏輯間可能存在的衝突以及對薪資改革的影響,從而制定妥善的改革方案。本研究所提出的制度邏輯視角,對公私部門規劃績效薪資改革,提供了兩點重要的實務管理意涵: 第一,除了少部分能夠客觀界定並衡量具體工作產出的工作,不同組織中工作者的職能往往包含多元且長短期不一的工作目標。在推行績效薪資改革時,由於不同邏輯之間可能存在衝突,進而會影響改革成效。因此,在改革過程中建議預留一定的彈性空間,以因應在複雜的制度環境下,平衡不同制度邏輯間的訴求,以制定出最契合改革目的之薪資改革方案。 第二,改革前期的政策宣傳和輿論導向會對員工的心裡預期產生直接的影響,尤其是當組織內部存在多元職業邏輯的情況下,需要針對不同職業邏輯的特性和訴求,確認改革的主次目的並妥善規劃改革的流程,盡可能的降低不同職業邏輯在改革過程中的衝突和矛盾。


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