

中山管理評論  2018/9

第26卷第3期  p.453-478

DOI:DOI: 10.6160/SYSMR.201809_26(3).0003

The Influence of Experiential Elements on Brand Loyalty from the Theory of Theater
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Yie-Fang Kao, Shang-Chia Liu, Pei-Lin Tang/

Department of Business Administration, Fu Jen Catholic University; Department of Business Administration, Fu Jen Catholic University;Department of Business Administration, Fu Jen Catholic University







Experiential marketing is the key marketing tool for the experience economy. Consumers are no longer interested in products or service, but enjoy the experience of purchasing. The past researches emphasize on the importance of experiential marketing, but lack of a systematic view to explore the influence of experiential elements on the consumer’s attitude. Based on the theory of the theater, this paper defines the elements of the store experience, establishes a model which influences the brand loyalty, collects the customer opinion and experience in bricks and mortar stores according to the 394 valid questionnaire sample data. After the PLS analysis found that the experience elements will significantly affect the consumer's store experience quality and brand experience value, and brand experience value will be affected by the quality of store experience. The consumer experience and brand experience value will have positively influence on the brand loyalty. According to the feasibility model, this study also validates consumers with low product knowledge when forming the brand loyalty will be easier influenced by the quality of the store experience compare with higher product knowledge customer.



Experiential Theater Factors, Experiential Quality, Experiential Value, Brand Loyalty, Experiential Marketing


在影響品牌體驗價值之因素中,體驗品質的影響程度高於產品吸引力,體驗品質仍會深刻影響消費者的品牌體驗價值,因此,廠商在提昇產品品質的同時,對於商店體驗品質的營造亦應重視。在提昇產品吸引力方面,廠商可以透過顧客觀察、深度訪談或問卷調查等方式瞭解顧客需求,以本研究之分析標的-床墊為例,現今消費者考量購買床墊的因素有很大的比重是為了健康而購買。因此,建議未來床墊業者在開發或行銷產品時,可多著重於健康方面的考量,透過床墊外觀、內材、彈簧等設計,再加上認證標章的保證,以確保床墊品質無虞,甚至可與醫院或醫學專家配合研發機能性商品,以期滿足消費者需求,為顧客提供更加難忘之體驗感受。 在營造商店體驗品質方面,根據實證分析結果,劇場體驗元素對體驗品質之影響程度最高者為服務人員服務品質。因此,建議未來床墊業者應著重於服務人員的教育訓練,可定期安排培訓課程加強服務人員對產品及服務流程的熟悉度及相關專業知識,並不定期地隨機訪查服務人員與顧客之互動情況,更能夠進一步了解接觸顧客的第一線服務人員遇到的問題及困難,以期為顧客提供更好的體驗感受。此外,場域的空間設計方面,可以透過裝潢的外觀、產品陳列、音樂、溫度控制及清香氣味等元素來刺激消費者的五感體驗,使其產生體驗感受而提昇體驗品質。 消費者獲得品牌床墊之資訊管道以親友介紹居多,顯示大部份消費者在選擇欲購買之床墊時,會受到親朋好友推薦的影響,突顯出品牌忠誠之重要性。建議業者應加強商店及品牌之間的連結性及一致性,透過劇場體驗元素之調整,為消費者(尤其是缺乏產品經驗的消費者)提供一個難忘且值得回憶的體驗,進而使消費者更加喜歡及信賴該商店及該品牌的產品,使消費者願意於未來再度回到該商店購物或推薦親友前往該店消費,而消費者愈能感受該商店體驗品質,則未來對該品牌亦可能有較高的忠誠度。


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