

中山管理評論  2017/9

第25卷第3期  p.617-642


Tripbaa! Online Travel Agency — Customer-Oriented Travel Tours Design
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Wang, Yao-Ter Owen/

Department of Management Information Systems, National Chengchi University







This case is aimed at acknowledging students that a customer-oriented company obtains superior business performance, which explains a favored method on the purpose of business operation. By means of analyzing the service design process and improvement measures of chosen companies, students can therefore understand the methods to design a suitable customer-oriented service or product. In this case, the design process of Tripbaa is divided into three phases: The first, they were the production-oriented and production-driven period. Then, the second: identifying customers' needs by applying objective big data assets to assist in planning travel modules, in addition to artificial design service for a group multi-day tour. The third, customers will be available to choose their own tour itineraries. With the help of the tour planning system, they will be able to set the components of tour itinerary, transportation tools, and accommodation modules up into a multi-day tour. Meeting their unique needs, it will be the most suitable customer-oriented method.



New Product Development, e-Commerce, Big Data, Customer-Orientation


個案中所討論的趣吧Tripbaa旅行社,應該要如何設計行程,從原本內部自行設想消費者可能會喜好的作法,轉為以顧客為導向的設計模式。而在採用顧客導向之設計模式時,最重要的就是瞭解顧客需求,由於趣吧Tripbaa旅行社之經營模式為網路旅行社,提供各類型深度旅遊之遊程模組於網站上供自由行旅客購買,亦可人工規劃多天行程。因此顧客需求的資料來源,可以從網際網路蒐集,透過大數據的資料分析,可以瞭解到潛在消費者喜好的旅遊類型與景點,設計各類行符合顧客需要的模組,讓顧客可以自行組裝模組成為行程。 對有意經營電子商務的創業者、經理人以及未來有意進入相關產業的學生,可以學習到如何結合新的資訊工具,如大數據資料分析等方式,來找出顧客的需求。加以電子商務市場競爭激烈,環境變化迅速,因此採用傳統調查顧客需求的方式曠日廢時,無法符合經營者的需要。 由於改變產品設計的方式並非一蹴可幾,因此在個案中將趣吧Tripbaa的行程設計演進過程分為三階段,在過去從第一階段以生產導向設計遊程模組,此時需經由主管處理許多程序,完成後才在網站進行銷售,到現在第二階段採用客觀的資訊來輔助遊程模組的規劃,並提供顧客多人多天的人工行程設計,於未來第三階段走向以顧客為導向之市場預測,提供顧客自行規畫行程組裝各模組,設計重點是著重行程規劃器平台,滿足消費者的需求。此種轉變的過程,可作為經營者在從傳統的產品設計方式轉型成為以顧客為導向的產品設計方式之參考。


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