

中山管理評論  2012/3

第20卷第1期  p.13-38

志業 or 事業─大王菜舖子
Calling or Business─The “Big Wang” Food Shop
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林家五、陳建男、林郁芸、胡宛仙/國立東華大學企業管理學系、國立東華大學企業管理學系 、花蓮縣壽豐鄉公所主計主任 、國立東華大學企業管理學系
Chia-Wu Lin、Chien-Nan Chen、Yu-Yun Lin、Wan-Hsien Hu/

Department of Business Administration, National Dong Hwa University , Department of Business Administration, National Dong Hwa University , Hualien Shounfeng Township , Department of Business Administration, National Dong Hwa University


2007 年 11 ㈪,還是成功大㈻都市計畫研究所的博士候選㆟,㉂稱「大王」 的王福裕,因負責東部永續發展的規劃工作來到花蓮。㊢計畫書的閒餘,大王 經常跑到農田裡去觀察並和農民聊㆝。在與農夫接觸的過程㆗,大王了解了慣 行農法對環境的威脅,以及㈲機蔬果的益處;同時也發現,台灣的㈲機農業, 因行銷與通路的問題,使在農業產值㆖佔㈲相當大比重的㆗小型農戶經常被忽 視。㆒㆝,從事規劃工作近㈩年的大王突然領悟到,要真正幫助農民必須採取 行動,而不是在紙㆖談兵。於是,大王創立了大王菜舖子,以「享受新鮮」、「守 護㉂然」及「支持農夫」為號召,結合本㆞的㈲機農場,透過網路部落格平台, 吸引認同其理念的消費者向其訂購㈲機蔬果。然而,除了創業初期的挑戰外, 隨著訂戶數與需求種類的增加,大王菜舖子如何在維繫其核心價值的條件㆘, 追求成長或持續對㈳會發揮影響力?這是大王不斷思索的難題。

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In November 2007, Fu-yu Wang, or “Big Wang”, was the Ph D candidate of the Department of Urban Planning of National Cheng Kung University. Mr. Wang came to Hualien because he was assigned to be responsible for the planning of sustainable development of East Taiwan. When he took a break from writing a proposal, Mr. Wang often went to the farm to observe and to chat with the farmers. Through his interaction with the farmers, Mr. Wang realized how conventional farming may threat the environment as well as the benefits of organic agriculture. Because of marketing and channel problems, Mr. Wang also found small to medium sized farm households that produce the most agricultural output are often ignored. After working in planning for almost a decade, Mr. Wang suddenly realized that to help the farmers should take real actions, rather than just some talks. Therefore, “Big Wang” created the “Big Wang Food Shop” to promote “Enjoy fresh,” “Protect nature,” and “Support farmers” as the slogans. Through online blogs, Mr. Wang integrated local organic farmers to attract consumers who identify with organic agriculture to purchase organic products. However, apart from startup challenges, Big Wang faced the increase on the range of demands and the number of customers. How can Big Wang Food Shop maintain its core value and pursue growth or continue to influence the society has been the problem Mr. Wang needs to deliberate over and over.

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enterprise, social enterprise, organic agriculture


志業 or 事業─大王菜舖子 林家五、陳建男、林郁芸、胡宛仙 2007 年11月,還是成功大㈻都市計畫研究所的博士候選㆟,㉂稱大王的 王福裕,因負責東部永續發展的規劃工作來到花蓮。寫計畫書的閒餘,大王經 常跑到農田裡去觀察並和農民聊天。在與農夫接觸的過程中,大王了解了慣行 農法對環境的威脅,以及㈲機蔬果的益處;同時也發現,台灣的有機農業,因 行銷與通路的問題,使在農業產值上佔有相當大比重的中小型農戶經常被忽 視。一天,從事規劃工作近十年的大王突然領悟到,要真正幫助農民必須採取 行動,而不是在紙上談兵處。於是,大王創立了大王菜舖子,以「享受新鮮」、 「守護自然」及「支持農夫」為號召,結合本地的有機農場,透過網路部落格 平台,吸引認同其理念的消費者向其訂購有機蔬果。然而,除了創業初期的挑 戰外,隨著訂戶數與需求種類的增加,大王菜舖子如何在維繫其核心價值的條 件下,追求成長或持續對社會發揮影響力?這是大王不斷思索的難題。 本個案希望藉由教學指引中的討論議題,引導讀者或是學生了解社會企業 的內涵,幫助讀者了解創業歷程與組織成長可能面臨的問題,另外,本個案也 從組織與行銷觀點探討大王菜舖子的競爭優勢與關鍵成功因素,提供不同的觀 點供傳統農業生產與銷售者參考。最後,亦可藉此思考,為何在自由市場的運 作制度下,較有利於大規模廠商的生存(強調追求效率和大量標準化的競爭), 如此,對於不以追求成長的組織(小農)來說,它們如何有生存的空間?
